MMC2000 EXAM 1 STUDY GUIDE o Mass communication is process of creating shared meaning between mass Introducing Mass Media Media is communication media and an audience Laswell s questions SMCR o Who o What o To Whom o What channel o What effect o Source o Message o Channel o Receiver Osgood and Schramm model o Not a one way process o How media creates culture Cultural forum Cultural story teller o Establishes important topics o Gives people a place to talk o Forms the lens through which we see and expect to see the world o Songwriters stories have more power than lawmakers Changes the way we communicate and think Writing 1st form of media Oral Literate culture 5 000 years ago Sumerian Cuneiform o Oral Physical distance Face to face Localized specific As soon as you speak it it s gone o Written o Elders Spoken word still there Way to differentiate history from myth Memory doesn t matter Historically those would could remember were valued the most o 1446 Johannes Gutenberg o Renaissance protestant reformation standardized laws information as a Created printing press Being able to write matters Uniform o Written language cont Mobile language Can communicate across time Print media commodity o Gutenberg printing press Martin Luther s Ninety Five Theses Metal letters Same size print 1456 printed bible Quick identical copies o Information as a commodity Information can now be sold Media in culture Media is one source of culture but not the only source of culture o Friends and family Religion Education Both Media and face to face Average adult spends 9 hours 40 minutes a day on some form of media o The more time spent means the greater influence on how media effects the way we see the world Media in Flux Media is changing therefore the way media shapes culture is changing Good news o Consumption is at an all time high Good for Bill Gates Bad for newspapers Key changes in media and society as a whole o Concentration of media ownership o Conglomeration Ex CBS owns Disney Comcast ESPN etc These alpha companies do more than just media Ex GE owned a television channel Media in flux continued When traditional boundaries between media erode because of the Ownership is with a variety of media outlets introduction of new technology o Convergence o Lines of technologies are blurring o SMCR Source message channel receiver Lines between sender and receiver are blurred Ex Cell phone video recording being shown on the news Who s the reporter sender in that situation o Audience fragmentation Hypercommercialism o Mass audiences Niche audiences o Media is too focused on the bottom dollar o All of the advertising we come by in media puts everyone on the o 40 of journalists softened filtered what they said because they o Globalization same level thought it would offend advertisers Free press foundations The press is protected Milton s self righting principle o 1st amendment Freedom of the Press o Aeropaginica Marketplace of ideas Made arguments about why the press should be free He wanted his pamphlet addressing puritan divorce printed Society will always correct themselves to the truth Philosophical basis for the 1st amendment FCC o Federal communication commission o All broadcasting has to be licensed by the FCC Have to provide media that is in public interest Free press is crucial in democracy b c o Press as 4th estate The press the people should serve as an additional aspect to the checks and balances system of the government Implicit in the 1st amendment o Public informed to participate in government o Protect people from government Social responsibility theory o Hutchin s Commission o Suggested what the press should do to continue our democracy o Suggestion of how things ideally should be given the special protection afforded the press But the press is also a business o Competing interests purposes History of newspapers History of newspapers 1690 first newspaper was developed Colonial Press o 1st newspaper in the US 1690 o Publick Occurrences Both foreign and domestic o Boston News Letter and Boston Gazette Only lasted a day 1704 1st sustainable newspaper 1719 competition between the Boston News letter and the Boston John Campbell Gazette 1721 New England Courant o 1st to try and reach audiences through different content Competition that led to new forms o James Franklin brother to Ben Franklin o New York Weekly Journal 1735 James Alexander Used it as a tool to complain about the government in New York John Peter Zenger Trial Printer of the New York Weekly Journal Liable Complaint against the government that was Fought that criticizing the government should be protected inflammatory speech o Truth is a defense for liable Revolutionary Press o Public voice for both sides of the conflict o Driven by politics o Penny Press o Creator of 2 copies depending on outcome of breaking Shift in audience leads to shift in content Cheap didn t target the elite Led newspapers to become the first form of Mass Media Provides a voice to the voiceless New York Sun 1833 Benjamin Day James Gordon Bennett New York Herald Appealed to the lowest common denominator Innovator news Horace Greenly 1841 New York Tribune Reach people with more positive news o Higher moral standard Not stories about sex and crime Freedom s Journal 1827 John Russwurum and Samuel Cornish New York 1st African American Newspaper Fredrick Douglass Ram s Horn North Star Defender 1905 o Penny press in NY to compete with Day o Pass the abolitionist message around Robert Abbott Chicago Largest African American Newspaper of the time Modern Press 1870 s 1920 s o Industrial revolution o Yellow Journalism Technology is changing Copy photography to newspapers Large headlines Faster printing Widespread railroad system o Newspapers aren t localized 1860 less than 500 daily newspapers 1920 more than 2000 daily newspapers Era of New journalism Tabloid journalism Sensationalizing tendency Hurst hired Richard o Nikki Dugan s The yellow kid Juicy details about crimes and gossip Used photography to lure people in Cartoonist Dueling yellow kid cartoons New York World William Randolph Hurst San Fran Examiner The New York Journal Joseph Pulitzer o Muckraking o Wire services Journalistic movement that influenced things such as child labor laws and things that effected corporations and their workers National Worldly news Associated press Conglomeration of writers that could be subscribed to in order to get A way for newspapers to get far reaching news that is easily
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