MMC 2000 TEST 3 Internet Gibson godfather of cyberspace Command and control version o The Net is a product of the Cold War Decentralization version o Licklider foresaw linked computers creating a country of citizens informed about and interested in and involved in the process of government Binary code a code made up of a the digits 1 and 0 early computers did not communicate with one another 1957 USSR launch of Sputnik Earth s first human constructed satellite ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency formed by Pres Eisenhower to sponsor and coordinate sophisticated defense related research missiles and nuclear attack weapons NASA computer science Kleinrock demand access and distributed control Baran hot potato network and packet switching 1 Computers will communicate 2 Delivery instructions embedded in all information Protocols common communication rules Taylor resource sharing building the internet IMPs developed 1969 ARPANet formed with four computers UCLA hosts computers linking individual computers to the Internet Stanford Cal Santa Barbara Utah 1971 18 computers on network major problems to overcome phone lines computers not designed to run all the time determining where network problems occur how to keep network from overloading 1972 ARPANet first demonstrated in DC Tomlinson invents e mail chooses sign URL uniform resource locator growing the internet NSF requires orgs to be on ARPANet to get grants growing number of LANs local area networks and WANs wide area networks nationwide ISPs Internet service providers importance of TCP IP 1983 TCP IP accepted as universal standard 1992 Pres Bush removes gov t control allowing individuals and business to join Berners Lee develops World Wide Web 1992 have about 50 Web pages 1993 Andreessen develops Mosaic became Netscape as first graphic based Web browser Internet global network between networks and computers Asians love the internet 2 3 billion users world wide 85 of United States uses internent most popular online activities 91 e mail 91 search 84 get directions use maps 81 check the weather 74 no specific reason just to pass time 71 buy products 65 make book travel plans 61 bank 61 get political news Google is the most popular site in the US for month visitors Google has the most monthly visitors 185 2 the youtube social networks In 2009 social networking surpassed the use of e mail 17 of all online minutes spent on social networks Facebook launched in 2004 by 2012 had 845 mil 1 3 of world internet population 1 tril page views month Twitter launched in 2006 300 mil users importance to social movements 59 of all adults use social media internet www trends 78 of U S homes have internet access digital natives people who have never known a world without Internet new tech utopia vs dystopia thought that new technology will lead to more problems then they solve dystopian perspective new technologies improve our lives utopian persecpective McLuhan s global village utopian perspective The idea that the new communication technologies will permit people to become increasingly involved in one another s lives He was writing about TV that if TV shows had a common story that it would bring people together and form one family Global village it will provide a forum for us to deal with our problems Flash mobs or smart mobs large geographically dispersed groups connected only by thin threads of communications technology drawn together at a moment s notice like schools of fish to perform some collective action virtual democracy utopian perspective New technology can be used to better the world around the democratic process It can give us direct contact with out congress the president The way we are better able to connect with leaders and become more powerful The ability to hold forums for town hall meetings Streaming the town hall meetings online access to information utopian perspective Further impowers all of us To be whatever issues with access digital divide dystopian perspective technology gap information knowledge gap 1st Amendment issues citizen journalists as 4th estate but truthfulness credibility cellphone images that helps break a new story We have this 4th estate freedom of expression but hate speech children s access to porn user generated content but happy slapping privacy issues privacy of communication 1986 Electronic Privacy Act your emails are private e mail privacy There should be the same privacy that you get in phone calls Encryption the electronic coding or masking of information that can be deciphered only by a recipient with the decrypting key Clinton relaxed these rules in 2000 social media privacy of information dataveillance the collection and distributiion of private information that one company collects and sends to another company for example subscription lists cookies an identifying code added to a computer s hard drive by a visited website opt in opt out in 2002 the federal government changed the rules to an opt in you have to give the site permission before the sell your information to other people opt out the idea that websites should provide us that security only if we specifically ask for it opt in the idea that sites should have to get out permission before they collect and disseminate our personal data why collected So companies can market to you better net neutrality companies that are already providing services they want to charge you for what you receive want to charge you more for what websites you go on That everything on the net has been considered neutral The internet has always been a neutral place All information has been treated equally They don t want to have to pay extra for things such as Netflix network neutrality the requirement that all ISPs including cable MSOs allow the free and equal flow all Web traffic copyright intellectual property protects artists any one who creates content protects from some one taking credit and using it and taking their money concerns over being permanently online brief history of digital games prefer using term digital games first computer game Spacewar 1961 a group of students at MIT Steve Russell finished it had accurate map of the starts in the background and a sun with a mathematically precise gravitational field that influenced play first home system Odyssey 1972 Atari created pong in 1972 as a arcade game Pong 1975 sears began selling a home version first handheld Mattel Electronics 1977 LED light emitting diode LCD liquid crystal display 1981 donkey kong was
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