MMC 2000 UNIT 3 LAST CLASS NOTES INTERNET Quizlet for Thursday s exam http quizlet com 39714814 mmc unit 3 flash cards VIDEO Modern Marvels The Internet Behind the Web How commercial interest of Internet has created tension between developers of the internet Built by researches to share things and people should be able to contribute as much as they want Launch of Sputnik More email is exchanged then letters by the post office Que Theory tool for evaluating systems by Demand access effective resource distribution Distribution control every switch should share in the control Paul Baran was hired to help develop internet so military could communicate and able to retaliate if they got bombed Chopped up information and launched the packet in the network each one has a to and from on it Node packet switching network sends it out until it is received where it needs to go Hot potato routing allowed information to get there even if one connection is lost find its way through another way Taylor wanted to create a computer network for ARPA Surfing the web was coined by a librarian Jean Polly Problem How do you stop the packets from circulating forever What protects the system from overflowing 1969 Interface message processor Forerunner of the internet got delivered at UCLA Raymond Tomlinson inventor of email famous for sign 1972 very few sites online Released scenarios 19 for using ARPANet 1983 TCPIP was adopted as universal standard a common network of interconnected network 1992 Congress past a bill to make internet out of hands of government and into the hands of people Unleashed commercial uses and competition 1992 50 web pages on the internet 1993 University of Illonois Mark Andrison Sp invented internet browser very user friendly Web grew by 341 000 percent after this Internet users in the world Asia is the most number of users by far About 1 3 of the worlds population is using the internet Percent of people who have adopted the internet was very rapid and even more rapid than television adoption World Internet penetration rates North America has largest proportion of internet use 80 of people use the internet Internet Users Demographics Men and Women use the internet same amount Ethnicity similar to print media Caucasian and African Americans are same average by Hispanics are a little bit less Highest penetration rate is from 18 29 year olds and decreases as you get older More education you have the more likely you are to use the internet Popular activities online 91 email 91 search 84 get directions 81 check the weather 74 no reason just to pass time information technology increased entertainment value MOVEMENT SHIFT IN ADOPTION people just are there to pass time which is radically different than what it was developed for Same thing with writing and radio Google YouTube Facebook Amazon are the most visited sites 17 of all online minutes spent on social networks 60 of all adults use social media greater use the younger you are but adopted by all age ranges Facebook 2004 1 3 of the internet population has a facebook More than 1 TRILLION page views per month Twitter 2006 More than 300 Million users important in social movements Arab spring political changes that took place in several countries around Arab peninsula and played a large roll to communicate to each other within in order to form movements and get information out to world about what was going on there
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