Health Genetics 03 03 2014 How or through what mechanisms do genetics influence info processing at the individual system level o Physical health o Mental health o Sex o Physical appearance Oxytocin Delivers milk Acts on muscles surrounding milk cells releasing milk Baby suckling stimulates breast Released by thinking a bout baby and stimulation of breast The love cuddle hormone bonds people together Dopamine Neurotransmitter o Helps control brain s reward pleasure euphoria centers Increased by rewards ex Food sex o Helps regulate movement emotional responses motor function fine tuning compulsion perseveration Many drugs ex Cocaine meth amplify effects of dopamine o Lower dopamine receptors addiction Schizophrenia o Too much dopamine Parkinsons o Very little dopamine movement disorders Serotonin Neurotransmitter Well being and happiness Functions for mood memory processing sleep cognition Biological Changes Adolescence o Reproductive capabilities o Want to have sex Menstruation o Estrogen o Progesterone o Testosterone Pregnancy Menopause Nutrition Body needs resources from HCE human constructed environment NE natural environment to function o Inputs like oxygen nutrients food water o Ex Input nutrients food individual values beliefs output exercise Influenced by all systems including macrosystem Nutrition Individual Factors Preferences Tastes Schedule Health ex Illness food allergies Pregnancy Age Knowledge Money Nutrition Influence of Family Patterning of interactions Beliefs values Teaching socialization Rules ex Finish what s on your plate Financial resources Nutrition Influence of Larger Environment Climate soil condition Food availability Culture Media Cooking mealtime resources Ecosystemic Impacts on Eating Financial resources Sociocultural of HCE Agriculture NE HCE Season NE Science advantages HCE Nutritional knowledge HBE HCE Food allergies HEU Physiological needs HEU Religion HCE Ecosystem Impacts on Food Sufficiency Disease state Age Genetics Hunger Satiety level Physical Activity Promotes growth and development in young children Enhances CNS function Socializes children and adolescents HBE Fall asleep faster and sleep better Controls weight Prevent health problems Improve muscle strength and boost endurance Improves mood and mental functioning HBE o High blood pressure and stroke o Type 2 diabetes o Heart disease o Depression Have fun Golden Mean In matters of conduct both excess and deficiency are detrimental Aristotle Finding the mean or moderation by avoiding extremes o Ex Trendy diets excessive exercise and eating disorders Individual Subsystem Personality 03 03 2014 Personality Characteristics Temperament Personality Birth Order The 4 Basic Temperaments Ancient medical concept of humorism 4 bodily fluids affect human personality traits behaviors In medical theories of Hippocrates 460 370 BC o Sanguine pleasure seeking sociable actors o Choleric determined strong willed leaders o Phlegmatic calm quiet easy going teachers o Melancholy analytical conscientious moody artists 9 Temperaments of Thomas Chess 1977 pg 170 171 Behavioral dispositions believed to be precursor of personality o Temperament influences personality NOT THE SAME THING Describe ways in which individuals respond to interact with the environment 1 Activity level motor activity 2 Rhythmicity Regularity time schedule 3 Approach withdrawal distance regulation 4 Adaptability flexibility 5 Response threshold responsiveness 6 Intensity of reaction impulse control 7 Mood happy or sad 8 Distractibility concentration 9 Attention span persistence Each person falls somewhere on a continuum for these 9 different components Temperament Babies Easy o Readily adapt to new experiences o Positive moods and emotions o Normal eating and sleeping patterns Difficult o Emotional irritable fussy cry a lot o Irregular eating and sleeping patterns Slow to warm up o Low activity level o Withdraw from new situations and people o Slow to adapt to new experiences but accept them after repeated exposure Temperament Influenced by genetic and biological basis Environmental factors and maturation modify ways in which it s expressed Goodness of fit Match between environment and organism s temperament and styles of behavior o Ex Influence on interactions among family members Slow paced parent and active child stress friction Slow paced parent slow child better fit Temperament vs personality Temperament a basic inherited style whereas personality is acquired on top of the temperament Temperament o Natural instinct o Can be nurtured as one grows o Its expression is modified Personality o Pattern of traits that determine characteristic behavior o Acquired in years Personality Type Carl Jung s theory 1921 Much seemingly random variation in behavior is actually quite orderly consistent o Behavior is predictable o you can classify it Personality types based on how a person prefers to interact with environment Myers Briggs Personality Types 1940s Ways people prefer to interact socially process info o Extroversion E vs Introversion I Ways people interact socially process information Extroversion Get energy from outside themselves friends People things Practical application Talks then thinks Introversion Get energy from within themselves Concepts ideas Insights Likes quiet appears quiet o Sensor S vs Intuitive N Ways people perceive gather info Sensor Doers action oriented Hands on Details are important Seeing is believing Takes things literally Intuitive Guessers possibility focused Creating experimenting Thinks of many things at once Enjoys figuring out how things work o Thinking T vs Feeler F Ways people carry out decision making Thinking Logical Analytical making sense out of what they know Fairness Calm cool collected Less emotionally expressive Feeler Value judgment Feelings how do I feel towards something Collaborative Prefers harmony Over extends self for others o Judger J vs Perceiver P Ways people prefer to interact with the outside world verbally behaviorally Judger Perceiver Structured organized controlled Quickly make decisions Difficult if things do not go as planned Likes closure completing things Spontaneous adaptive responsive Easily changes decisions or positions Turns most work into play Does not like to be pinned down to most things 16 distinctive personality types ex ISTP Big 5 Personality Traits Openness Conscientiousness Extroversion Agreeableness Neuroticism o Online Heritability environment both affect personality
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