FAD 3271 Exam 3 Study Guide Communication Interactive Environment Chapter 11 lecture Characteristics of Communication o Communication is a symbolic transaction process that involves creating and sharing meaning Communication is essential for continuing relationships All behavior is communicative In communication the message is not necessarily what is received hearing vs listening Hearing is passive Listening is actively thinking Communication takes place Internal and External Family communication is NOT random it is repetitive and transactional it is impossible NOT to communicate Social media is a fundamental shift to how we communicate Verbal Communication K I S Statements o Verbal communication is sounds words language and speaking Words influences emotions sense of recipients and messages that are received 2 types interpersonal public speaking Interpersonal asking a question Public speaking talk in front of a class o K I S Statement generally unwise to awaken a slumbering member of the canine family For example let sleeping dogs lie If your initial efforts are unsuccessful perseverance will eventually lead to a satisfactory conclusion Nonverbal Communications o Nonverbal physical ways tone touch smell and body motion Used to repeat or accent a verbal message and then complement that message Nail biting nervous or insecure Drumming fingers impatience or restlessness Open palms innocence or sincerity Rubbing both hands anticipation or impatience Head tilted to one side interest listening Non verbal messages are in the setting that they are in by use of Chronemics Body Setting is the nonverbal message and environmental context Chronemics use of time pause or silence o Ex talk really slow boring talkers o Mono chronic do one thing at a time Time commitment is important These people adhere to plans individualist think of time as discrete and emphasize promptness What time mode predominates in USA Mono chronic o Poly chronic do many things at once Ex in the U S A people text and drive These people are collectivist think of time as fluid work and personal time overlap emphasize familiarity Proxemics use of perception of space o Example preachers or lawyers Chronemics and Proxemics are produced by broad settings Cultural differences in nonverbal communication o Appearance body movement posture facial expressions eye contact and gestures o Reasons for disliking a handshake 62 germs cid 0 prefer hugs 2 o The okay sign can mean something bad in Latin American o V for victory palm facing in or outward Elements of communication process o Message information between the sender and the receiver feelings ideas and suggestions Factors influencing a message or from the communicator Gender appearance posture mannerism tone facials furnish our surroundings 4 parts of a message SUBJECT telling WHO the action of the message is about PREDICATE telling the receiver WHAT is being done OBJECT showing to WHOM the action is directed the content of the action o Medium ways the message is presented to the recipient o Recipient receiver of the message depends on their interpretation of the message The communicator must understand the receiver and be aware of the context in which the receiver or audience will take in a message o The communicator creates and sends messages Try s to convey a message of some sort Ex job interview they look at how you re dressed posture etc o Rapport talk mainly a women s role Expresses more feelings emotions more pauses self disclosure nodding lean out listen displays both positive negative emotions Gender communication o Raport mainly a men s role Less expressive defends independence by distance avoidance speaks louder jokes not much eye contact more interruptions Family influences on communication o Family of origin parents siblings little phrases that mean things Explicit rules don t talk about this don t do this Easier to understand Ex Children can have friends over when parents are home finish homework before you go out Implicit rules learned as you grow up not to say this More difficult to understand invisible rules Ex some families have rules against sharing negative feelings o Functions of rules what can be said how it can be said and to whom it can be o Androgyny the human capacity for members of both sexes to be masculine and feminine in their behaviors o Androgynous communication orientation person oriented family members evaluate issues on their merits without reference to the gender of the people involved Prizes flexibility interchangeable gender expectations o Communication rules set limits for cohesion and adaptability within in the said family Family Communication patterns change over time o Horizontal chain negotiable rules everyone has equal status Ex when one sibling ask for something of another when a parent and child work out a problem together o Vertical chain non negotiable rules ex curfew power differences influence communication o Circle chain member comes to rely on one person for information Ex father and mother control chain and pass orders to children if one person hit on faculty member in a dept it goes to another and to another etc o Y central person a person who facilitates communication to other pivotal person middle man o Wheel central person but allows more exchanges in other areas o Gap two people in the family that don t speak lack of information flow o Network everyone talks to everyone in the family open boundaries o Tier divided by generations siblings talk to siblings grandparents talk to grandparents hierarchy 3 factors that contribute to evolution of family communication patterns o Family of origin influences o Family communication rules o Communication framework Characteristics of family communication o Verbal and nonverbal o Specific to the relationship in the system o Its reciprocal and interactive o Often predictable o Contains both content and feeling messages o Defines relationships o Can be changed my forces within the system o May stimulate change in the system Stress Change Adaptation Chapter 12 lecture Stressor a stimulus or event with potential to cause stress that can be good or bad an occurrence that cannot effectively be managed by the individual s or family s way of doing things o The EVENT Stress the reaction to a stressor involves pressure vs adaptability o The RESPONSE to the event Crisis a person or system that s unable to handle stress o The PROCESS when you can t handle stress Family stress the state of tension
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