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Exam 2 Chapters 5 8 Perceiving Spacing Valuing Deciding Perceiving Perception Process of meaningfully organizing sensations or the process of how we assemble sensations into a useable picture or model of the world Example Do you see the old lady or young woman in picture Self Concept People s perception of themselves self esteem is how high or low you perceive yourself Perceiving Active process of interpreting and giving meaning to the environment Perceiving o Seeing image o Taking in sensory stimulation Input o Organization of materials Process o Some type of action Output Filtering Process involves 1 Physical Factors 2 Social Factors Language limits influences meanings we establish Cultural Information from environment through senses differences and acceptance Individual Factors expectations personal moods assumptions about human behavior knowledge Personality temperament birth order self concept 3 3 Steps to Attach Meaning to Experiences 1 Selection a Intensity loud tall short extreme cases b Repetition annoying over and over noise c Motivation Anxious about time notice clocks Hungry Notice foods Single check out people 2 Organization a Arrange data in meaningful way b Age of perceiver When is old old Depends on who you ask 3 Interpretation a Past experiences bad or good experiences with doctors dentist mechanics opposite sex etc b Assumptions about human behavior c Expectations Assumptions shape expectations d Knowledge Knowing what a person is going through e Personal Moods Insecure etc Physiological Influences on Perception 1 Taste Salty Sour Sweet Bitter a Varies with age 2 Odor good bad a Smells ignite memories b Varies by age or gender Men and children prefer sweet Different sensitivities to temperature 3 Temperature a People from north not so affected by Florida cold 4 Touch 5 Vision Touched by kindness hugs Sight a Differences between glasses and contacts 6 Loudness 7 Others music sounds a health cold sick b tired c height d personality e hungry f morning people night people g culture Interpretation Gaining Meaning o Assimilation o Accommodation Individual receives input from the environment There is existing knowledge of the information Person takes information identifies it places into existing category Environment influences person prompts mind to change its internal functioning in terms of external world A person sees something that doesn t fit into an existing category must make a new category for it Characteristics of Perceptual Organization o Proximity group o Similarity form tend to be grouped together Stimuli or objects close together are perceived as part of the same Stimuli or objects with similar characteristics size shape color or Objects can be emphasized if dissimilar to others anomaly o Continuity Stimuli or objects that seem to form continuous patterns are o Closure Stimuli that seem to form part of a whole tend to be perceived together perceived as whole as if the total pattern was there When viewer s perception completes a shape o Contiguity Stimuli occurring in close proximity in time space something touching or in contact Contiguous states in U S not Alaska or Hawaii Scandinavia Norway Denmark Sweden Perceptual Blindness o Visual system can focus on only one or very few objects at a time o Brain is fills gaps complies a cohesive portrait of reality based on a flickering view o Visual attentiveness limited resources More information than you can analyze or process In deciding what to focus on the brain essentially only takes in that information Rules o Perception has physical cognitive emotional individual characteristics o Perceiver affects what is perceived o Environment in which perception occurs is important o Some organs are not as important as integration of processing functions Origins of symbolic interactionism Symbolic Interaction o Early 1900s o Industrial Revolution o Pragmatist Philosophers o Meaning comes from our interactions with objects not from objects themselves o Meaning is negotiated through use of language o People can change society through communication interaction Principal Scholars o George Herbert Mean How we develop our sense of self Play Stage Practice imitate imagine role of only 1 person at a time Game Stage Understand many perspectives family roles group Generalized Other Predict how behaviors affect society fit understand norms o Charles Horton Cooley Looking glass self How we think other people perceive us o William Isaac Thomas Family has role in socialization Definition of situation different interpretations Subjective opinion valued has real consequence If someone thinks that their partner is cheating on them there will be consequences in their relationship o Herbert Blumer 1st to use phrase symbolic interactionism Basic Assumptions o We understand relate to our environment based on the symbols that we know o We react to something according to the meaning that thing has for us o We learn about meaning through interactions with others we make value Choosing friends or partners Peer pressure Safety purposes o We interpret what s learned we aren t passive o We must have a sense of self to interact with others based on our meaning of o Infants are asocial develop sense of self as they interact not born with o Sense of self motivates future behavior we reflect on experiences use them as o We are born into an environment with symbols values assigned at birth or learn judgments situations temperament guide red stop beware powerful hunger Names boy or girl pink or blue pink breast cancer awareness white purity brides Garnet gold Seminoles Gang colors o We are influenced by cultural norms values changing societal expectations Wife kitchen cleaning kids o We learn the rules values if society through everyday interactions Symbols o Learned through interacting o Based on the way we see others using them Example Peace sign used to be radical and protest now peace symbol is just a nice symbol o May not be the same in different situations o Based on context of current environment o Brand Name Clothes Express Quality Status American made vs others Good cause Tom s shoes o Status Last name Job Clothes House Technology o Tattoo Interactions o Social behavior between two or more people o Some type of communication takes place o They react modify their behavior o Necessary part of socialization o Gestures Nonverbal communication facial expressions hand gestures Acts that represent something else Social Norms Rituals o Expectations

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