Brief History of Books Colonial and Revolutionary America Mid 17th to late 18th century o Few and mostly religious o First press Cambridge Press 1638 o First book The Whole Booke of Psalms 1644 o Early best seller Poor Richards Almanack 1732 o Printers protest gov t control o Pamphlets of Thomas Paine Becoming a mass medium 19th to early 20th century o Easier to get away with content in written forms because books are thought of as ways to learn unlike T V o T V and movies come with a rating system unlike books o Early novelists Hawthorne Melville Twain o Beadle and Company s dime novels Weekly novels that cost only a dime o Paperbacks penguin books and pocket books today 60 books sold in US are paperbacks o Books as cultural value why censorship Martin Luther King days books get burned Books begin to get confiscated due to morality issues more recently Television media NOT treated the same Book Industry Today 2012 33 billion dollar revenue Examples of major categories o Largest section called the trade books in terms of numbers and proportions of books making up this income Ex Harry potter great works of literature o Trade juvenile adult fiction non fiction cook books biographies coffee table books o El hi o Higher ed Travel guides Press dedicated to books typically about the south All texts in elementary and high school Texts books education i e McGraw Hill o University press Owned and operated at schools More of a primary source His ideas he comes up with Oxford Press Princeton Press o Professional Log guides medical books References that work for people in a variety of sessions o Mass market paperbacks Romance novels quick diet guides Only published in paper back and meant to appeal to a wide variety of people Slow growth with average HH Household spending Some publishing industries purchase a wide variety of categories others only certain types Over four year period industry has declined The amount of money avg HH spends is also on decline Daily Reading minutes 8 18 year olds Aliteracy people possess the ability to read but are unwilling to do so widespread a literacy 50 18 24 never read for pleasure o Nearly 50 of people say they never read for pleasure considered a literacy Magazines and newspapers going down Books are the only numbers going up as far as minutes being read Book industry Trends Convergence o e publishing e books e readers POD Ability to get a book in soft printed version through laptop phone etc makes up about 10 of the business POD Print On Demand enables companies to save money Conglomeration o Concentration in hands of the media in other companies that don t really do media o 80 of sales from 8 major companies o Pros and cons Pros Can invest money in the literacy world Cons has cut out the small person who used to have the publishing house can no longer complete More emphasis on commercialism Emphasis on profit and commercialism o Blockbuster mentality filmmaking characterized by reduced risk taking and more formulaic movies business concerns are said to dominate artistic considerations refers to the pressure faced by the small number of conglomerates who run much of the movie industry to create formulaic productions with a high budget o Blockbuster mentality subsidiary rights instant books paid product placements Changes in book retailing o Traditional lines and distinct media is converging o 2009 Christmas first more e books purchased than hard copies o By 2011 1 in 4 Americans owned some type of e reader Early film pioneers Tech o Emerged during 1870s 1880s o ALL THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE WORKING AT SAME TIME o Muybridge researcher looking into variety of camera technology Asked to settle bet with government of California about horses feet being on ground as they run Took photographs of horses to settle bet Found if you look at images in rapid successions of one another it looks like the horse is galloping the persistence of vision 1 24th of a second for our brain to process an image Basic principle behind film making Developed a viewing station zoopraxiscope which was a mechanism that showed individual pictures Frustrated because he thought there would be a better technology for this Muybridge goes to Thomas Edison to develop a technology that everyone could view Edison realized a roll of film would be more practical Edison developed a camera that could take pictures on a roll of film called a kinetograph 1891 called the kinetoscope still not a way for everyone to view the it but a person could watch continuing films Viewed by someone looking down into kinetoscope o Lumiere Brothers August and Louie first to develop technology on screen called the cinematographe o Edison Found a way to project image for mass audiences Pointed to as the godfathers of motion picture One of famous films Arrival of the Train 1895 when cinematographe hit the viewers in Paris Created same technology we use today in cinemas same basic ideas o Content Maelie Most famous film A trip to the Moon 1902 See him attempting to move camera into something much more artistic All early motion pictures have no sound often someone playing live music when film is shown Very theatrical Moved film into realm of art Edwin Porter Montage style Nickelodeons Connected to Edison company Early great film The great train robbery Begins camera and footage being manipulated in different ways Created montage editing cutting back and forth between two scenes o great train robbery first to have montage editing Film started as development in New York Places called nickelodeons where people watched films Films looked the same Nickel how much it cost Odeon greek word for recovered theatre Trust Owned editing projection nickelodeons equip Official name of co Motion Pictures Patent Co Most referred to as the trust Trust a corporation that is monopolistic Controlled 3 basic elements Technology owned by Edison company o Production the making of movies o Distribution printing films advertising getting them to theatres o Exhibition where you actually show films o Continue to be the three main elements today vertical integration When a company owns all of the means of a production and distribution rules of edison co o can be no more than 12 min long only use 1 role of film and can be no identification of actors of screen people didn t like rules o folks complaining about Edison company o so people loaded up truck and moved to Beverly hills o ended up in Hollywood weather allowed you to shoot outside o little way
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