The internet WWW Chapter 10 MMC2000 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE The internet is free from limits of time distance gives instant access to things everywhere and can carry uncensored news Financially the internet made 301 billion dollars in business and was responsible for 1 3 of the economic growth in 1998 The creation of the internet was all about communication The internet was really developed built on academic research Internet a global network of interconnected computers that communicate freely and share and exchange information No one person really controls it Reasons for the internet 1 The net is the product of the cold war In the war of 1962 information needed to be transferred around the country even if an area was destroyed by an enemy attack so computer scientists had to find a way to make this happen 2 The internet was initially built to protect national security in the face of nuclear Psychologist who thought of the idea that computers could be connected all together which would be useful in sharing information to other people Foresaw linked computers creating a country of citizens who could be informed about interested in and involved in the process of government His hope was to couple the interaction of the human brain with computing machines Other experts jumped on his idea and worked together to develop what we know today Joseph C R Licklider attack together as the internet Charles Babbage Produced designs for the first computer that could conduct algebraic computations using stored memory and punch cards for input output Colossus the first electronic digital computer developed by the British to break the Germans secret codes during World War 2 It reduced information to a binary code a code make up of numbers 1 and 0 Information could be stored and manipulated ENIAC Electronic Numerical Calculator The first full service electronic computer Based on John Atansoffs work and introduced by Mauchly Eckert Was not intended to communicate because it was far too big Weighed 60 000 lbs and could fill up a whole auditorium UNIVAC Universal Automatic Computer The first successful commercial computer IBM Helped businesses find their way in the early days of the computer revolution One idea of IBM was to rent rather than sell computers ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency USSR Soviet Union launched Sputnik in 1957 To catch up and surpass the Soviet Union President Eisenhower of the U S created ARPA to pass them in space technology Established to sponsor and coordinate sophisticated defense related research Was in charge of the space program until NASA was created NASA does not equal computer science ARPA Commissioned Paul Baran to produce a plan that would enable the U S military to maintain command over its missiles and planes even if a nuclear attack knocked out conventional means of communication Had to create an indestructible communication network where even if one part of the network was interrupted communication could still flow through Created the hot potato network system to send a message Information flows along to find its way to the network as many times as it needs to like a Information flows through packets however necessary which was soon to be called the mouse in a maze packet switching network Paul Baran Packet Switching Network The breaking down of data into packets that are labeled to indicate the destination of the information and the forwarding of these packets from one computer to another computer until it arrives at its final destination computer If packets are lost they can be resent by the originator Protocols common computer languages would enable any type of computer to communicate with each other Packets know detours and reroutes if they get lost Leonard Kleinrock Started the cueing theory Shows how packages of data would cue or line up at the communication network to determine the speed of the network Demand access you don t get it until you need it Distributed control no 1 device should control the entire network Every switch should do it in a distributed fashion Demand access and distributed control proved that computer technology could be successful Bob Taylor Had a vision to create one network for all computers Created Time Sharing where you type questions and get answers back within 2 minutes Saves time money and resources ARPAnet switching network formed with 4 computers UCLA Stanford Cal Santa Barbara Utah 1969 went online and became fully operational in a year 1971 18 computers on network Major problems to overcome o Phone Lines o Computers not designed to run all the time o Determining where network problems occur o How to keep network from overloading 1972 ARPAnet first demonstrated in DC One computer sends information over to another computer Must be a common computer language in order to do this Ray Tomilson Created the first e mail program Chose the sign E mail allows users to communicate with anyone else online any place in the world Unsolicited commercial e mails is called spam Instant Messaging IM is the real time version of e mail allowing two or more people to communicate instantaneously and in immediate response to each other Minicomputers became available Tiny size absence of heat and low cost made possible the design and production of small affordable personal or microcomputers This opened the Net to anyone The leaders of the personal computer revolution were Bill Gates and the duo of Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak Bill Gates founded Microsoft corporation Steve Jobs Wozniak perfected Apple II designed specifically for personal rather than business use NSF requires orgs to be on ARPANet to get grants Growing number of LANs and WANs nationwide LANS are local area networks connecting 2 or more computers usually within the same building WANs are wide area networks connecting several LANs in different locations ISP internet service providers are companies that offer internet connections at monthly rates depending on the kind and amount of access needed Well known ISPs in the US America Online EarthLink and Quest Importance of TCP IP 1983 TCP IP accepted as universal standard 1992 Pres Bush removes gov t control allowing individuals and business to join Berners Lee develops World Wide Web The web uses hypertext transfer protocols HTTP to transport files from one place to another He designed the web for a social effect to help people work together Functions of the web URLs hosts browsers search engines and home pages o URL a sites
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