Internet Modern Marvels The Internet Behind the Web TAKEAWAYS Communication at the heart of internet s creation o Thinking about how one computer connects to another and how that creates a communicative relationship The importance of relationship between academic world and the government o Mark 22 years old when he created what ultimately became netscape o Thought of it as a commercial enterprise but at its heart it was built upon academic The development of the internet was based upon the idea of free sharing of ideas o If you know how to do something better share it and tell everyone else so everyone can o Began being all about free sharing open formatting basically the internet was meant to research do things better be a free for all of info o Internet has taken a turn towards commercialism and monetization Growing the Internet NSF requires orgs to be on ARPANet to get grants Growing number of LANs local area networks and WANs wide are networks nationwide Importance of TCP IP 1983 TCP IP accepted as universal standard 1993 Pres Bush Removes gov t control allowing individuals and business to join Berners Lee develops World Wide Web 1992 have about 50 web pages 1993 Andreessen develops Mosaic becomes Netscape as first graphic based Web browser Internet Today Largest number of users in Asia o Followed by Europe and North America 2 3 billion users worldwide 1 3 world s population Today 85 use internet in America o North America has highest usage percentage o Equal percentage of men and women o Race fairly equal with whites blacks 86 Hispanics lack slightly 76 o Age the older you are the less likely you are to use the internet and vice versa w younger o The more money education you make have the more likely you are to use the internet and vice versa o Difference pertinent to the concept of the digital divide Most Popular Online Activities Usage 91 email 91 search 84 get directions use maps 81 check the weather 74 no specific reason just to pass time 71 buy products 65 make book travel plans 61 bank 61 get political news Most Popular Sites Google Youtube Facebook Amazon Yahoo Twitter msn Wikipedia Wordpress Microsoft Social Networks 17 of all online mins spent on social networks Facebook o Launched in 2004 o 2012 845 million users o 1 trillion views a month Twitter o 40 of size of Facebook o 300 million users o Important for social movements 59 of all adults use social media o Older you are less likely to use it o Increasing number of older generation using social media The Network Community Montez s lecture on 11 19 13 ICT s have redefined what we call community o Information communication technology Early 20th century saw massive urbanization as a part of industrialization process o Louis Wirth 1938 With urbanization came new forms of community and social relationships Networks created to connect with others within your same interest range o Work communities hobby communities school communitites Role of ICTs o We are no longer bound by where we live The adoption of ICTs contributes to our social decoupling from space or location o Relationships become increasingly specialized the people to which one is connected perform a specific instrumental role or function in one s life Types of Online Communities o Communities of transactions facilitate the exchange of buying and selling goods and o Communities of interest bring together participants who wish to interact about specific o Communities of fantasy allow participants to create new environments identities or o Communities of relationship center on intense personal experiences and create information topics of interest to them imagined network of support Internet WWW trends New tech utopia vs dystopia o Is new technology helping or hurting Does it create disconnection Talking texting and driving the equivalent of driving drunk Eye contact has decreased since the introduction of cell phones Average person checks their phone every 6 minutes Marshall McLuhan s global village having more uniform communication tools o Having a platform for more people to share info experiences will create a bond and common place and will bring us closer together o Idea started with television and involved idea further into internet with its development Virtual democracy thinking about the possibilities of new tech and what it might bring to the democratic process o Democracies work best with better informed citizens maybe the internet can help with that Access to information o Direct connection to politicians and their thoughts ideas o Issues with access digital divide lack of technological access for those in rural communities the underclasses etc people who have money continue to get info and people who are less fortunate remain in the dark As new technologies grow they have grown uniformly because there are still people who can t access information Technology gap not only do many people not have them many people do not know how to use them Information knowledge gaps those who do not have access to info and are eventually left behind o Growing reliance in society on the internet computers and technology to do things like make resumes apply for jobs etc o So many that do have the technology are blind to the fact that many people in our country and around the world DO NOT have these things Mass Media Theory and Effects Common Misperceptions It s not real and people know that it is not real o Counterargument News is not make believe and we are supposed to take it seriously Most film and TV drama are documentary style and set in supposedly real world settings creating confusion for viewers It is only play entertainment o Counterargument News is not play or entertainment Play is a very important to the way we development our knowledge of ourselves and the world Ex play sports to learn teamwork cooperation etc It is just a reflection of society not a change agent in it o Counterargument Media hold very selective mirror Ex only 50 of TV families come from married head of house hold families while in reality 80 of households are headed by married couples It only reinforces existing beliefs values o Counterargument The traditional socializing agents have lost much of their power to influence in our complex and fast paced world Reinforcement is not the same as having no effects If it reinforces good culture it can certainly reinforce bad If it impacts anything it is just trivial things like fads and fashion o Counterargument Fads and fashions are not
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