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The food of the Mongol Empire was comprised mostly of meat and grains very rarely including fruit or vegetables TRUE Broccoli cabbage and cauliflower originated in the Eastern Hemisphere TRUE Early agriculture emerged from tropical regions where the weather is fairly constant all year long FALSE Chocolate originated in Africa FALSE Coffee was first grown in South America FALSE Hispanic cultures have a notable emphasis on family tradition TRUE The term Middle East was coined by people from the region FALSE Foods like eggs and salt may have different meanings or symbolism in different cultures TRUE The United Kingdom and France have very few immigrants and very little variety in the ethnicity of their residents FALSE The continent of Africa is almost as old as the Earth itself TRUE ASS 1 ASS 2 ASS 3 The flute plays a large part in Shinto festivals FALSE Hinduism is the oldest continuing religion in the world TRUE Matzah is unleavened bread associated with Buddhism FALSE The five pillars basic acts which are required of believers of Islam are Hajj Zukat Saum Salat and Shahada TRUE ASS 4 CAWL IS o Made with Welsh lamb or seafood leeks parsnips potatoes and carrots Wassail and Plum Pudding are a British drink and food traditionally served at Christmas TRUE Haggis is a dish that originated in o SCOTLAND Hadrian s Wall is a 73 mile long wall that cuts across the entirety of England from West to East and acted as a defensive fortification built by the soldiers of the Roman Empire TRUE Stonehenge appears to have been built as a cemetery and monument to the dead TRUE The main reason for switching the afternoon tea time from the end of the main meal to today between lunch and dinner is o The 7th Duchess of Bedford of Woburn Abbey in Bedfordshire started the trend by inviting her friends to enjoy the tea with slices of bread at 5 o clock A TRIFLE IS o an intricate dessert of pound cake custard and fruit Which is the true characteristic of a typical Christmas dinner in Britain o A Wassail is served with added spices laver bread is a special food from o WALES What is blood pudding o An illustration that Scots do not waste any part of the animal Which Scandinavia country initially developed the smorgasbord o SWEDEN Smoke curing is a fairly new process used for preserving meat and was recently introduced into Scandinavia FALSE Seafood is uncommon in Scandinavian cooking FALSE Traditionally St Lucia Day on December 13th marks the beginning of the Christmas season in Sweden and Finland TRUE Which is the vitally important meat for the Sami s in the north of Scandinavia o REINDEER When fish is salted and dried it is called Stock fish TRUE Scandinavia is where the Vikings came from TRUE Scandinavia is comprised of Denmark Sweden Finland and Norway TRUE The sauna a distinctive part of the Finnish culture TRUE Denmark is the largest of the Scandinavian countries FALSE The major religion in Scandinavia is o Lutheran ASS 5 ASS 6 What was the main product that the Dutch East India Company supplied to Europe o SPICES o HOPS The potato is not commonly used in German cooking FALSE Stoemp is a savory Belgian dish of mashed potatoes butter and cream served with onion sauce and carrots TRUE A crop that is important for the brewing of German beers is The Dutch East India Company mainly supplied Europe with Indian fruits and vegetables FALSE Raclette is a popular dish from o SWITZERLAND Hamburgers are named for a city in Germany TRUE OCTOBERFEST IS o A beer celebration that has been held in Munich since 1810 A powerful family in Prussia for centuries prior to World War I was the o HohenzollernS ASS 7 The Baba Vida Fortress is a well preserved prison in Russia FALSE Kielbasa is a o POLISH SAUSAGE Mamaliga is roast whole pig FALSE Fish is the most popular type of meat eaten in Hungary FALSE The food culture of the Balkan Peninsula displays Asian as well as west European influences TRUE Who ordered the construction of St Basil s Cathedral o IVAN THE TERRIBLE OF RUSSIA Shashlyk is the Russian version of what food Which city is considered the world s capital of beer o SHISH KABABS o PRAGUE Great reliance in most eastern Europe countries is placed on hearty relatively simple foods with cereals potatoes cabbage pork and mutton TRUE Pierogi are crescent shaped pockets of dough that may be filled with numerous different kinds of fillings TRUE An Easter specialty in Russia is o KULICH ASS 8 Panna Cotta means literally pick me up It is made of ladyfingers dipped in coffee layered with a whipped mixture of egg yolks and mascarpone and flavored with liquor and cocoa FALSE Which following matches is correct in terms of the Italian cheese and its hardness o Granna Padano Hard Italy s dominant religion is Judaism FALSE The Punic Wars were fought between the Romans and the Carthaginians TRUE Tomatoes originally came from the Americas TRUE The Greeks introduced garlic wine and olive oil to Italy TRUE Which following is true about Italian pasta o Pasta was introduced from China to Venice by Marco Polo Which following statement is correct about Italian coffee o Espresso topped with frothy white milk is Cappuccino ASS 9 Le Go ter is o AN AFTERNOON SNACK France has limited agricultural products due to harsh winters FALSE The French words Haute Cuisine most closely translates to o SUPERIOR COOKING Foie Gras is a popular French coffee drink FALSE France is the source of many of the world s leading wines TRUE Chicken simmered in red wine is known as o CAQ AU VIN Julia Child was a chef that helped bring French cooking to America TRUE Due to the large number of dairy farms milk is Normandy s traditional drink FALSE Due to the large number of dairy farms milk is Normandy s traditional drink FALSE Ratatouille is a fried fish cuisine that comes from Brittany FALSE Pat de foie gras is o A PASTE OF FATTY GOOSE LIVER o ASS 10 Which country or region did NOT influence Portuguese food patterns o HONG KONG Pork and fish are the two most important proteins in Portuguese cooking TRUE The stigma of crocus that is used as a spice in Spain is Which is NOT the most typical dessert in Portugal o SAFFRON o PAELLA Spain has the largest wine growing area in the world TRUE What are the most important sources of protein in Portuguese meals o PORK AND FISH Which is true about Tapas in Spanish cuisine o Trabanco is fermented from the apple cider TRUE Bachalhau is o SALTED DRIED COD The Inquisition was begun by the Roman Catholic Church TRUE Portugal is known

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