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Exam 3 Ch s 16 20 Ch 16 Southeast Asia and Its Islands Geography Southeast Asia includes the countries of Myanmar Burma Thailand Cambodia Laos Vietnam and Malaysia on the Asian continent and the island nations of Singapore Indonesia the Philippines and Polynesia Mountains cover much of the norther section of the continent Monsoons deliver the the heavy rainfall that is important for growing rice Rice is the foundation of these regional diets The warm and moist climate enable farmers to grow lots of tropical and sub tropical fruits and vegetables The most common are coconuts mangoes papayas citrus bananas greens of many types chilies and other peppers and tomatoes Freshwater and ocean sh are also common to the diet If religion does not prohibit it chickens ducks beef and pork are included in the diet Spices grow in many parts of southeast Asia History and Culture Mons people native to Burma The original inhabitants of this region were conquered by invaders from different directions throughout history Kublai Khan came from the north in the 13th century China from the east at various times and Europeans and Arabs from the West before the 18th century Khmers people native to Cambodia the Khmer Thai and Burmese There also were numerous battles between the native groups particularly between Thailand managed to remain independent from invaders from afar but Burma and the peninsula of Indochina were ruled by foreign powers during the colonial era notably by the French British and Dutch Hmongs people native to the northern hill regions of Laos Religions Religion plays a signi cant role in the countries throughout Southeast Asia Buddhism is prominent particularly in the nations on the continent Hinduism is dominant on the Indonesian island of Bali and is practiced to a lesser extent in neighboring countries Islam is the major religion in the Malay Peninsula and much of Indonesia as well as the southern island region of the Philippines Catholicism dominates in most of the Philippines from Spanish control and is practiced by some minorities throughout the region The Arts Longyi Long sarong like cloth worn in Burma tucked in at the waist can be hiked up in very hot weather The art and dances of Southeast Asia frequently have religious inspiration Intricate designs in handicrafts cary quite a bit from country to country but clearly interconnect the various cultural groups Bright colors and generous use of gold contribute to the dazzling impact of many buildings native costumes carvings and jewelry Food Patterns eating style varies a little by country the right hand Rice is the backbone of the diets The Vietnamese prefer chopsticks while the rest of the region eat using ngers of Wheat is also prominent in meals in the forms of noodles and breads Chicken duck eggs pork sh and soybean products tofu and tempeh are sources of protein in diets the speci c choices being determined by religious dictates for some people Congee rice gruel often served at breakfast in Southeast Asia Tropical fruits and vegetables are used generously often chilies and many indigenous spices and herbs are added to dishes to create unforgettable avors and heat Sauces utilizing soy coconut milk or sh as principal ingredients form the basis for creating many of the recipes of the region Nuoc Mam fermented salted sh sauce popular in Vietnam Nuoc cham Vietnamese condiment made with chili peppers citrus juice garlic onions and vinegar Nam pla fermented sh sauce popular in Thailand Kapi Thai salty dried shrimp paste Patis fermented salty sh sauce popular in the Philippines Adobo Filipino stew using meats marinated in vinegar seasoned with bangoong fried with onions and garlic and then stewed Cocido Hearty Filipino stew containing a variety of meats Spanish sausage chickpeas saba sweet cooking bananas tomato sauce and lard Coconut Cream pur ed and strained creamy liquid prepared from freshly grated white meat of mature pared coconut and some hot water Coconut Milk coconut liquid similar to coconut cream but with more liquid Coconut Water Liquid drained from fresh coconut by puncturing its eyes used as a beverage but not as a cooking ingredient Poe poi starchy paste of boiled and pounded peeled taro root popular in Polynesia Geography Ch 17 China A very densely populated nation in Asia China extends across approximately 1 6 of the world from east to west Geographically it includes part of the Himalayas other mountain ranges the Gobi and other deserts high plateaus river valleys and a long seacoast that reaches into tropical regions The combo of many people to feed much land unsuited to farming and widely varying rainfall from year to year sometimes has led to serious food shortages even though the land can produce a wide variety of crops in good years Kaoliang sorghum grain crop grown in norther China History and Culture Opium War ward in 1840 caused by British involvement in the opium trade in China resulted in the long term lease of Hong Kong to Britain Boxer Rebellion Violent uprising of a secret sect that trapped foreigners and missionaries in Peking for 2 months in 1900 Kitchen god Spirit of the hearth who determines wealth and longevity of people in the household reports to Heaven annually regarding the family s behavior Yin passive principle including female moon earth water darkness evil poverty and sadness complementary balance to yang Yang positive principle including male sun heaven re brightness good wealth and joy complementary balance to yin The history of China goes back more than 600 000 years with records available of events during the more than 20 dynasties that have ruled since 1766 BCE Some of the more prominent have been the Qin Shihuang Han Tang and Ming European trade encounters by ship began with the Portuguese who were followed by the French and British The formation of the Republic of China with Sun Yatsen as president occurred in 1911 marking the overthrow of the dynastic form of rule Communist rule has been under the leadership of various people during the 20th century including Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping The Cultural Revolution began in 1966 and lasted for 10 bad years from which the people and the economy are still recovering The people in China are primarily Hans but there are many minority groups like those from Tibet and the Mongols Many of Tibetan descent are Buddhists as are some others throughout China Muslims tend to be concentrated in the northwestern region Christians are scattered in

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FSU HFT 2890 - Ch. 16: Southeast Asia and Its Islands

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