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Food and Culture Study Guide Powerpoint Questions Introduction this powerpoint wouldn t let me click on the links so these answers are ones I found on google Why did ancient man start smoking meat o The smoke possibly was a way to keep flies away during the drying process but people soon realized it also doubled as a preservative Which European countries eat horse meat o France Switzerland Italy and Germany What are two foods Egyptians ate more than anything else What are some fruits they ate o Bread and geese Fruits they ate included melon dates coconuts and apples What were some things that were transmitted by people moving from one place to another to conduct business o New inventions religious beliefs artistic styles languages and social customs as well as goods and raw materials What was the purpose of Machu Picchu o It is unknown Possibly religious reasons or a royal retreat What were the most important trade routes in Africa o The Silk Road o Indian Ocean Trade o Trans Saharan Trade o Sub Saharan Trade How is coffee processed o Dry processing is sometimes called unwashed or natural processing Cherries are spread outside for 15 to 20 days The cherries are exposed to the sun and stirred regularly to help them dry evenly The dried cherries are then hulled by hand or by machine removing the dried out pulp and parchment This is the way coffee has been processed for centuries o The other type of processing is know as wet or washed processing A few hours after the cherries are harvested the pulp is removed from the cherries The beans are then washed in a process that involves cycles of fermentation and rinsing Small amounts of fermentation don t hurt the bean but softens the remaining pulp and skin making them able to be easily rinsed off This is a better type of processing because it causes less damage to the bean than dry processing o Cultural Parameters What other character was famously depicted by Botticelli and others o Virgin Mary Why call it the Middle East o East from where From London Why Middle Because it was half way between the United Kingdom and India the Far East How is the Jewish body prepared for burial o According to Jewish tradition a deceased s body is dressed in plain white Tachrichim traditional shrouds These garments are hand made from linen or muslin and are considered fitting for someone who is about to stand before G d in judgment In addition to Tachrichim a man is also buried in his Tallit prayer shawl What is another name for cultural geography o Also called human geography studies the human characteristics of a location and how these in turn relate and are affected by the natural world Besides wood what are some other building materials used throughout the world o Soil stone gel ondol heated floor during winter trees timber from mangrove trees bricks straw floating reeds buffalo hide or campus cloth tepees clay Know history of Rosetta Stone o The Rosetta Stone is an ancient Egyptian granodiorite stele inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis in 196 BC on behalf of King Ptolemy V The decree appears in three scripts the upper text is Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs the middle portion Demotic script and the lowest Ancient Greek Because it presents essentially the same text in all three scripts with some minor differences among them it provided the key to the modern understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphs How was acting born Was this a new way of storytelling o In Mesopotamia 7 000 years ago a member of the chorus dawned a mask and pretended to be a god speaking back to the chorus This was a new way of story telling and eventually more members of the chorus acted as different gods or heroes What was purpose of Ellis Island o to regulate the number of immigrants let into the United States When did salt become a commodity o 2800 BC What are some things that eggs symbolize o The egg came from the goddess of heaven Eggs represent fertility and Jesus resurrection Religions Who dwells in the temples o The gods British Isles pyramids Do the Untouchables still exist in modern India Is it legal o It exists at a very low extent It is illegal What are The Four Noble Truths o The truth of suffering dukkha o The truth of the cause of suffering samudaya o The truth of the end of suffering nirhodha o The truth of the path that frees us from suffering Which instrument plays a large part in Shinto festivals magga o Drums What is Passover o The major Jewish spring festival that commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery lasting seven or eight days from the 15th day of Nisan Who guards the pyramids o The Sphinx is considered to be the guardian of the What were some foods eaten at the first Thanksgiving o Corn grits goose pumpkin What is Hadrian s wall o an ancient Roman wall built by Hadrian in the 2nd century marked the northern boundary of the Roman Empire in Britain Name three other castles in Scotland besides Edinburgh o Balmoral Castle Glamis Castle and Tantallon Castle What did peasants usually eat o Bread What did Anna Maria the 7th Duchess of Bedford of Woburn Abbey in Bedfordshire do to change the history of tea drinking in England o Made it a social event and a time to meet with their friends Know what haggis is made of What are a few ingredients that Americans may find unappetizing o Turnips potatoes lamb liver heart lungs and stomach oats barley onions mace nutmeg and pepper Scandinavia What does it mean that a British pub was a tied house o It was owned by a brewery and served only the company brand In this video what is the meaning behind the Swedish idea of lagom o Not too much not too little Just in the middle Just right What is the natural phenomenon of the Midnight Sun o Midsummer is also the time of summer solstice the culmination of summer and a turning point after which the days begin to slowly shorten again in the northern hemisphere The day of summer solstice falls between the 20th and 22nd of June When fish is salted and dried it is called what o Stock fish Which is the most popular fish o Grilled salmon What restaurant was named the 3rd best restaurant in the world in 2009 and what city is it in o Noma which is in Copenhagen Who did the Vikings build relationships with that began the integration of their cultures o Celtics What city had a large Viking influence and became a major trading center for the Vikings What is Sweden s most traditional fish How do you stop the curing process before smoking o Workers rinse off the

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