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CHAPTER 5 PERCEIVING Perceiving models of the world Perception process of meaningfully organizing sensations into useable pictures or o Individual s first stage of choice because making a choice depends on the individual s perceptions of what exists o Low level of information reception o Biological phenomena because it involved neural networks The brain actively selects organizes and integrates sensory info as we perceive events environment Perceiving an active process of interpreting and giving meaning to the Perceptions flow through a filter system in the brain Perceptions are unique to each person Occurs mostly below the level of consciousness Perceptions highly influence beliefs values and decision making Factors of Filtering Information Physical Factors input received by the body through sensory mechanism o The human mind adapts to perceptions of input in two ways Assimilation mind receives input from the environment that matches an existing pattern so it is put into the corresponding category Accommodation inputs do not match an existing pattern or category so the mind is prompted to change and create a new category for the new information Both process form a dynamic equilibrium in regulating cognitive activity because there must be a somewhat equal combination of the two in order to have sound cognitive function Social Factors the way we use language social norms culture etc o Language can limit our ability to describe perceptions and create meaning Ex Learning new languages gives new insight and new descriptive words o Culture affects our perceptions in terms of what we are accustomed to and perceive as normal compared to other cultures Individual Factors a person s unique view of the world o Not every person will have the same perceptions about something Ex Siblings may have the same shared experience but their perception of it may be totally different one may have viewed it positively and one negatively People create their own internal map and picture of the world through their Process of Perception perceptions o Cognitive mental map images about an area or environment developed by an individual based on information or impressions the person receives can be an emotional meaning o Mental maps help organize daily activities Age sensitivity level learning type exposure to new things personality type etc all influence the way we process and perceive Successful people tend to live up to their perceptions while less successful people don t People tend to see what they want to see in the environment Field independent people very sensitive to stimuli from their own bodies and don t pay much attention to outside environmental stimuli o Relatively unaffected by authority and are guided by their own needs and values o Also called internal directed o Perceive themselves as able to control situations o Make the decisions and perform actions to take control of their environment Field dependent people very sensitive to their environment and rely on others for guidance o Also called externally directed o Believe fate has preordained what will happen o Other people or environmental conditions control the situations in their lives Orientation of internally or externally directed develops at an early age Characteristics that give order to an individuals perception o Proximity stimuli that are close together are perceived as part of the same o Similarity stimuli with similar characteristics like size shape etc are o Continuity stimuli that seem to form continuous patterns are perceived as a group whole grouped together o Closure stimuli that seem to form part of a recognizable whole tend to be perceived together as if the total pattern were all there o Contiguity stimuli that occur simultaneously or in close proximity in time and space or seem to be touching or in contact Five interrelated processes that occur almost simultaneously during perception o Affect emotional impact of a perception that influences how you feel about o Orientation becoming acquainted or familiar with any situation o Categorization developing categories for similar objects and events that are what you perceive seen o Systematization identification of regularities in the environment way of adapting to the changing world in order to achieve stability o Manipulation active process of the perceiver in which they design their environment and create change Also called designing Perception is a way of establishing environmental stability Perception is important in the family system because it helps interpret the influences of actions so that we can feel the effects they have on the family o Helps us see that while we may view a situation one way another person in the family system may view it very differently Perceptive Receivers The process of perceiving is active in individuals before they are even born Stimulus deprivation is very harmful because it limits active perception of new things which helps us develop The climate of the near environment like the family influence what our perceptions of the world will be Perceptual receptors of an organism are uniquely adapted to the environment that they live in because it is where they receive the majority of their inputs Most of perception occurs at the threshold of consciousness Perceptions are the beginning stage of choice making Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs Needs do not have to occur in order and may overlap each other Physiological thirst hunger biological needs o These needs must be met before a person can begin to think about achieving any other needs Safety shelter protection o Maintenance of the physical self and protection from dangerous things in the o May be a preference for things staying the same rather than new things physical environment which may pose a threat Belonging and Love closeness emotionally satisfying relationships o Includes satisfaction of receiving and giving Esteem self respect self esteem esteem of others o Need to feel accomplished masterful and competent o Satisfaction of these needs leads to positive emotionality and stronger independence Self Actualization realization of potential and ideals o Ongoing life process of striving for potential o Highest of needs hierarchy Perceptual Cognitive Style Individuals may have a preference for one receptor system over another o Ex Some people are more visual learners Origins of our perceptual styles are unknown From an early age children react to situations in their own way and this is how they will

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