Exam 2 study guide Ecological contexts This study guide includes notes from all the PowerPoints video lectures and chapters in the book for chapters 5 8 Hope it helps GOODLUCK Chapter 5 video ppt notes text notes Perception O E Relationship relationship between organism and its environment Individuals and family systems receive information through 4 different major processes These include 1 Perceiving perception Ch 5 2 Spacing space and time Ch 6 3 Valuing values and beliefs Ch 7 4 Deciding decision making Ch 8 Self esteem How good or bad you feel about yourself Self concept how you think others see yourself Perception process of meaningfully organizing sensations to gain a useable picture of the world Perceiving the active process of interpreting and giving meaning to the environment perceiving is a mode of intellectual functioning that consists of two basic processes organization and adaptation Organization is the underlying systematic pattern of relationships that characterize the human mind Organization makes it possible for the mind to interpret and process the input that it receives Adaptation is the external process that is possible because of the underlying organization The human mind adapts by assimilation and accommodation Seeing an image and putting meaning to it involves taking in sensory stimulation input Organization of materials process Some type of action output Perceiving thinking acting Filtering a process that goes on in the thinking stage that involves physical factors Social factors Individual factors PHYSICAL FACTORS Information from environment is received through the body s physical sensory mechanisms Input forms an image and is then interoperated for understanding SOCIAL FACTORS Perceptions are filtered through the social system This can be influenced by culture age race ethnicity socioeconomic status etc Language also limits and influences the meanings we establish INDIVUDUAL FACTORS Abilities and experiences influence a person s meanings and interpretation process assumptions about human behavior expectations knowledge personal moods Field independent people are highly sensitive to stimuli from their own bodies Are independent of their environment Field dependent sensitive to their environment and rely on others for guidance There are 3 steps used to attach meaning to experiences 1 SELECTION Intensity repetition motivation 2 ORGANIZATION arrange data in a meaningful way age of perceiver Children may not be as likely to use skin color as a classification 3 INTERPRETATION gaining meaning Factors that influence interpretation include past experiences Assumptions about human behavior Expectations knowledge personal moods Physiological influences of perception include Taste humans have 4 types of taste Odor Temperature touch vision loudness other Assimilation Individual receives input from the environment and there is existing knowledge of the info Person takes info identifies it and places it into an existing category Accommodation Environment influences person and prompts mind to change its internal functioning of external world a person sees something that doesn t fit into and existing category and must make a new category for it Ex If you see a pink zebra at the zoo Characteristics of Perceptual organization proximity stimuli objects are close together and are perceived as the same Similarity Stimuli or objects with similar characteristics size shape etc tend to be placed in the same group Anomaly when similarity occurs and an object is recognized as dissimilar to the others Continuity Stimulus or objects that seem to form continuous patterns are perceived as a whole Closure Stimuli that seem to form a part of a whole tend to be perceived together as if the pattern were there When the viewers perception completes a shape Contiguity Stimuli occurring in close proximity in time and space something touching or in contact Ex contiguous states in the United States Ittelson has identified 5 interrelated processes that occur almost simultaneously during perception These include Affect the emotional impact of the perception Orientation becoming acquainted with or familiar with any situation Categorization involves developing categories for similar events or objects that have been seen Systemization refers to the identification of regularities in the environmentive process of the perceiver manipulation designing shows the act Perceptual Blindness Visual system can focus only on one or very few objects at a time brain fills in gaps and compiles a cohesive portrait of reality bases on a flickering view What you see out of the corner of your eye Visual attentiveness A limited resource More information than you can analyze and process In deciding what to focus on the brain essentially only takes that info Rules perception has physical cognitive emotional and individual characteristics Perceiver affects what is perceived Environment in which perception occurs is important Sense organs are not as important as integration of processing functions Maslow s hierarchy of needs These needs must be met in order to meet the next need A person s ability or inability to meet these needs affects a person s perception and environment and influences goals and decisions The needs are as follows 1 Physiological needs 2 Safety needs 3 Belonging and love needs 4 Esteem needs 5 Self actualization Cognitive or mental maps Mental images about an area or an environment developed on the basis of information or impressions which the person receives interprets codes and stores Cognitive maps are the pictures in our minds Chapter 6 video ppt notes text notes Symbolic Interaction Space and Time Origins of Symbolic interactionism Early 1900s Industrial Revolution Pragmatist Philosophers Meaning comes from our interactions with objects not from objects themselves Meaning is negotiated through use of language People can change society through communication interaction Principle Scholars George Herbert Mead How we develop our sense of self Play Stage Practice imitate imagine role of only 1 person at a time Game Stage Understand many perspectives family roles group fit Generalized Other Predict how behaviors affect society understand norms Charles Horton Cooley Looking glass self how you see yourself William Isaac Thomas Family has role in socialization Definition of situation different interpretations Subjective opinion valued has real consequences Herbert Blumer First to use the phrase symbolic
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