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FAD 3271 Exam 2 Study Guide Perceiving Chapter 5 lecture Perception process of meaningful organizing sensations to gain usable picture of world Perceiving active process of interpreting and giving meaning to the environment o 1 Seeing an image o 2 Taking in sensory stimulation input o 3 Organization of materials process o 4 Some type of action output o Factors influencing perception Filtering Physical factors Information from the environment is received through the body s physical sensory mechanisms Input forms an image and interpreted for understanding Social factors Perceptions filtered through the social system what society considers to be good or bad social norms Language limits and influences meanings we establish o Ex talking in a different language Abilities and experiences influence a persons meanings and interpretation Individual factors processes o Assumptions about human behavior how you personally feel people should behave in different situations Ex doing something wrong you should apologize If they do not apologize your output would be to yell at them o Expectations what you expect out of different circumstances o Knowledge you act on certain things based on what you already Ex on a dance team you don t get picked to perform on a o Personal moods how you currently feel affects how you react to know about it football team certain things Ex if someone bumps into by mistake and your in a good mood vs a bad mood Assimilation o Individual receives input from environment o There is existing knowledge of the information o Person takes information identifies it and places into existing category Ex person perceives a familiar image such as an animal that is immediately Accommodation recognizes as a dog of external world o Environment influences person and prompt mind to change it internal functioning in terms o A person sees something that doesn t fit into an existing category and must make a new category for it Ex you love texting vs your boyfriend hates it you don t text them as much Cognitive maps the interpretations or pictures in our minds Field dependence persons are very sensitive to the environment and rely on others for guidance Field independence people that are highly sensitive to stimuli from their own bodies irrespective of outside environmental stimuli o These individuals perceive themselves as highly differentiated from their environment and tend to remain independent of it They are relatively unaffected by authority and are guided by their own needs and values How do we attach meaning to our experiences o Selection Intensity Repetition Motivation o Organization Arrange data in a meaningful way Age of perceiver o Interpretation gaining meaning Past experiences Assumptions about human behavior Expectations Personal moods Physiological Influences on perception examples o Taste seafood in Tallahassee vs seafood in Miami o Odor house full of dogs vs house that is dogless o Temperature weather in Miami vs weather in Colorado 30 degrees is cold or not o Touch real fur jacket vs fake fur jacket o Vision turning on the light when you first wake up vs being outside all day eyes are adjusted o Loudness radio on very loud and then you forgot to turn it down before leaving car then you go back in the car later and your freak out because of how loud it is Rules to guide perception o Maslow s Hierarchy 1 Physiological needs thirst and hunger are dominating needs 2 Safety needs may dictate a preference for familiar vs new things and for predictable orderly world 3 Belonging and love needs when the 1st two are met to a satisfying degree individual experiences the need for a close emotionally satisfying relationships with others 4 Esteem needs desire for self respect self esteem and the esteem of others 5 Self Actualization considered the highest of needs and emerge after the 1st four have been adequately satisfied This refers to the realizations of ones potential and ideals Gender differences o Cultural emphasis on female sensitivity to the needs of others on women as people oriented rather than task or achievement oriented o Women are more dependent on internal cues in decision making and less assertive than men on the average Characteristics of Perceptual organization o Proximity stimuli or objects close together are perceived as part of the same group Ex 9 squares places together are one group vs when separated are separate shapes o Similarity stimuli or objects with similar characteristics size shape color or form tend to be grouped together others Ex the becomes the focal point because its different from the others Anomaly when similarity occurs an object can be emphasized if it is dissimilar to o Continuity stimuli or objects that seem to form continuous patterns are perceived as whole o Closure stimuli that seem to form of a whole tend to be perceived together as if the total o Contiguity stimuli occurring in close proximity in time and space something touching or pattern were there Ex panda bear in PowerPoint in contact Ex contiguous states in the United States Ex Scandinavia Perceptual blindness visual system can focus on only one of very few objects at a time o Brain fills gaps and compiles a cohesive portrait of reality based on a flickering view o Visual attentiveness limited resources More information that you can analyze or process Ex http www youtube com watch v lNGwGGOjifY In deciding what to focus on the brain essentially only takes in that information Symbolic Interaction Reading lecture Symbolic interactionism social reality in constructed in each human interaction through the use of symbols such as words or gestures o 3 premises to symbolic interactionism Humans act based on meaning Social interaction Interpretative process Basic assumptions o We understand and relate to our environment based on symbols that we know and learn o We react to something according to the meaning that thing has for us o We learn about meaning through the interactions with others we make value judgments o We interpret what s learned we aren t passive o Sense of self motivates future behavior we reflect on experiences and use them as guide o We are born into environment with symbols and values assigned at birth o We are influenced by cultural norms values and changing societal expectations o We learn the rules and values of society through everyday interactions Symbols o The meaning of symbols is Learned from interacting Based on way we see others using them May not be the same

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FSU FAD 3271 - Exam 2

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