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MMC2000 Study Guide Ch 1 Media helps define us they shape our realities Communication is the transmission of a message from a source to a receiver Expressed in terms of the basic elements of the communication process communication occurs when A source sends a message through a medium to a receiver producing some effect Feedback the response to a given communication Wilbur Schramm used ideas originally developed by Charles E Osgood to develop a graphic way to represent the reciprocal nature of communication The Osgood Schramm model Interpersonal Communication communication between two or a few people shows that there is no clearly identifiable source or receiver Encoding transformed into an understandable sign and symbol system speaking writing printing and filming a television program Decoding When signs and symbols are interpreted by a participant in the communication process occurs through listening reading or watching Messages are encoded Once received messages are decoded Noise anything that interferes with successful communication Biases and predispositions are common forms of noise Medium encoded messages are carried by these and mediums are the means of sending information plural of medium is media Mass when the medium is a technology that carries messages to a large number of people Mass Communication the process of creating shared meaning between the mass media and their audiences Schramms model of mass communication Schramm s mass communication model represents feedback by inferential feedback indirect rather than direct The original model includes message the mass communication model offers many identical messages In Schramms mass communication model feedback is represented by a dotted line labeled inferential feedback The differences between the individual elements of interpersonal and mass communication change the nature of the communication process Culture definition of communication James W Carey Communication is a symbolic process whereby reality is produced maintained repaired and transformed Carey s updated definition 1989 asserts that communication and reality are linked It s truest purpose is to maintain ever evolving fragile cultures communication is that sacred ceremony that draws persons together in fellowship and commonality Culture is the learned behavior of member of a given social group Culture helps us categorize and classify our experiences and define our place in the world The aim is to shape in a professional and ethical way Culture Forum We can think of mass communication as a giant courtroom where as a people we discuss and debate our culture what it is and what we want it to be Functions and Effects of Culture Limits our options and provides guidelines Culture s limiting effects can be negative dominant culture Dominant culture or mainstream culture The culture that seems to be shared by the majority of a given people Bounded cultures or Co cultures within a large culture there are smaller cultures Technological determinism machines and their development that drive economic and cultural change Media Literacy the ability to effectively and efficiently comprehend and use any form of mediated communication A learnable skill and one that can be practiced Literate Culture A culture that employs a written language Oral or Pre literate Culture those without a written language In preliterate cultures meaning in language is very specific and local Griots talking chiefs Invention of Writing Writing was the first communication technology Ideogrammatic alphabet picture based alphabet Require a huge number of symbols Syllable Alphabet an alphabet employing sequences of vowels and consonants that is words Papyrus rolls of sliced strips of reed pressed together Parchment writing material made from prepared animal skins Writing required Literacy the ability to effectively and efficiently comprehend and use written symbols Changes that writing brought Uniformity Long distances Recording of memory Gutenberg Revolution Johannes Gutenberg developed the moveable metal type Printing Press The Printing Press Operated by a company called Cambridge Press The Gutenberg printing press was an advance over earlier printing presses because it used metal type and was designed for the production of large numbers of volumes Existed long before Gutenberg perfected it Gutenberg developed his press to produce bibles Print helped foster the Industrial Revolution because it helped build and disseminate bodies of knowledge that led to scientific and technological development and the refinement of new machines After Gutenberg s introduction of the printing press to 1450s Europe the technology spread rapidly He did not become rich from this invention Learning to enjoy understand and appreciate media content includes the ability to use multiple points of access Third Person Effect the common attitude that others are influenced by media messages but that we are not Genre categories of expression within the different media such as evening news documentary or horror movie Production Values the choice of lighting editing special effects music camera angle location on the page and size and placement of headline Ch 2 Concentration of Ownership and Conglomeration Conglomeration The increase in the ownership of media outlets by larger no media companies Disney s purchase of Capital Cities ABC is an example of concentration of media Ownership Oligopoly A concentration of media industries into an ever smaller number of companies Audience Fragmentation The idea that the audience for mass media is increasingly less mass Narrowcasting or Niche Marketing The strategy of tailoring media content to specific audiences possessing characteristics of interest to specific advertisers Taste Publics Groups of people or audiences bound by little more than their interest in a given form of media content Product Placement the integration for a fee of specific branded products into media content Branded Content brands are part of and essential to the program EX Coca Cola in American Idol The means of delivering a specific piece of media content is referred to as a Platform Supporters point to economies of scale in their defense of media concentration The general decline in revenues for the traditional media can be traced to overall declines in media consumption Platform agnostic having no preference for where we access our media content RSS really simple syndication allowing web users to create their own content

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FSU MMC 2000 - Study Guide

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