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MMC2000 Unit 3 THE CLASS NOTES FROM TUESDAY APRIL 1ST ARE NOT INCLUDED THE FREE DOWNLOAD OF INTERNET NOTES ON THE LAST CHAPTER WILL BE AVAILABLE TUESDAY AFTERNOON SEARCH ON MOOLAGUIDES LIKE THE PICTURE BELOW IT WILL BE CALLED MMC 2000 UNIT 3 LAST CLASS NOTES INTERNET Important people labeled in BLUE Finishing up Radio Radio Today of people who listen on a weekly basis is on the decline Time spent listening per day is on the decline Reason for decline can be linked to too people think there are too many commercials 12 minutes out of every 60 is dedicated to commercials Why Advertise on local radio 1 Cheaper to produce than TV ads can produce more and can target to day and night 2 Cheaper to buy the time on air 3 Radio is mobile 4 Points of contacts with radio is GREATER than potential points of contacts of television 5 Radio is more specialized for advertisers Recording Industry Today US Customers buy 1 3 of all music in the world Physical Media CD sales are on the decline Paid digital downloads are increase US Revenue Recording industry has been cut in since 1999 Because of piracy Trends Radio Deregulation of limiting amount of radio stations companies can hold concentration of ownerships which has led to these huge conglomerate companies Ex Clear Channel 1200 Radio stations 30 years ago they could only hold 14 by law As companies own 1200 radio stations format and content become very similar and a major decline in local news coverage 2 minutes every hour 60 of people the first place they get news from in the morning is radio Internet streaming the radio station haven t caught on a lot because the advertising is not local anymore Criticism on Recording Industry Conglomeration 90 of US Market from 4 companies 60 worldwide from just 2 Big 4 Sony BMG Warner Universal EMI Profit is Trumping art business interest versus cultural art Recording industry Formula to make profit Cultural Homogenization there s no room for culture to change To combat that they go on tour more Sell song to advertisers Napster taken to court by MGM for copyright Piracy and downloading 95 of internet traffic is illegal downloading Ringtones 2007 Ringtone Business 881 Million dollars Today Virtually Gone Television History of Television Multiple ppl working on same technologies at the same time Nipcow Russian created a mechanical system called Nipcow disc 1884 Nipcow disc allowed to take pictures of the scene behind the disc showed that we could scan a picture in by breaking it into smaller component part that could be placed on a carrier wave 1925 John Beard British scientist working for BBC transmitted television across Atlantic ocean with a similar disc mechanical system was now the standard for the BBC The shift to electronic system 1929 Vladamiere Zworykins Kinescope EAST COAST Wanted to develop vacuum tube that could do the same thing beard could do with the spinning disc Developed something at Westing House but then hired by Sarnough and led development of RCA technology Kinescope his television tube 1927 Farnsworth WEST COAST 12 years old reading science journals and wrote a plan and presented it as his science fair project was sent to Utah to work with scientist and by the age of 15 he had developed a television tube RCA wants Farnsworth to come work with them but Farnsworth rejected it which started a Patent battle Farnsworth agrees to sell everything in his 20s for 1 millon dollars His name is not really mentioned credited in the reveal RCA only one sending out television signal April 1939 First true public demonstration of television at NY World Fair 1941 Grants two television broadcasting licenses Television Evolves Government feels they have a right to protect the airways much like raido 1934 Federal Communication Act Development of television slowed during WWII 1945 11 Licenses and 6 are on air After WWII huge flood of people wanting to start TV stations SAME Trustee Model as Radio Spectrum Scarcity Owned by the people Licenses can be given but they must act in Public Interest FCC Television Freeze 1948 1952 Caused because there were so many technical problems so the FCC called a Timeout very few licenses were given while they worked out problems Four Problems 1 Geographic and Technological Interference 2 Assigning Channels UHF Ultra High Frequency was introduced All broadcasters have a specific broadcasting channels that are allocated to them Different than cable Ex ABC 27 on broadcast but ABC 7 on cable Big push for early networks to have their affiliates on really low channels because at the time most televisions could only get channels 2 13 because they wanted the most amnt of people to be able to view their broadcast 3 Color TV Standards Introduced in 1954 Not widely popular until the 60s When color television was broadcasted you didn t HAVE TO receive it in color you could receive it in black and white 4 Educational Television Guaranteed Much like Radio 1950s Educational groups Religious bodies argued TV was not meeting the public interest 240 stations allocated for Non commercial Education television Cultural Public Affairs etc For every 4 Commercial 1 Non Commercial must be allocated 1967 the name was Public television Example PBS 1952 108 Stations 1965 95 of American homes had TV Quickly developed technology which came from development of local stations the fact that FCC had rules in place allowed it to blow up in popularity Old and New Genres brought over from Televisions OLD Sitcoms quiz shows soap operas westerns NEW Talk shows with a host Movies At first A lot of motion picture industry refused to have their movie shown in the competing industry so For TV movies were created 1951 Huge year for TV because AT T finished cable technology that allowed TV to be a NATION WIDE medium Growing important of television news Ability to bring current events into your home live established TV as a credible medium Joe McCarthy Senate hearings were shown on all of the networks that attempted to fair out communist in US military ppl glued to TV watching Edward R Murro Sp The most respected person in news Radio Correspondent in WWII that started a TV called See it Now precursor to 60 Minutes Did a two part series on McCarthy that showed how he was taking all of these ppls testimony completely out of context and forging a witch hung against ppl to make it way worse than it was Television See it now broadcast in particular helped get rid of the Red Scare Social Movements supported by TV news Vietnam

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FSU MMC 2000 - Unit 3

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