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Chapter 1 questions o What s been the criticism of globalization Supraterritoriality negative impact on local communities delocalization and outsourcing separation of work from home and decline in social capital and civic community o What s been the influence of globalization on tourism Development in electronic technology communication and transportation o What is the difference between mass tourism and present day tourism Mass tourism dealt with mass produced goods at a low price known as McDonalization Now customers want a more authentic and customized experience o Today tourism is more what global o What is cultural commodization like commodity Done by creating inauthentic cultural artifacts specifically designed for tourist consumption and adapting them to the needs of tourists o List the benefits of globalization Increased trade capital human flows and created thousands of jobs o Describe the new tourism consumer More globally oriented o Know cultural hybrid dissation Implies the incorporations of cultural elements from a variety of sources within particular cultural practices Blend of globalization and localization Example would be a o What is glocalization Moscow McDonalds Chapter 4 Cultural Practices o Erosion of local cultures Many societies experience erosion with the increase in international travel o Cultural commodization and transformation Traditional culture is being packaged and treated as a commodity for sale Local culture is commercially exploited and the rights of locals to won their heritage is lost o Cultural hostility A form of cultural rejection or denial often associated with anger and aggression They refuse to accept other s view of the world o Cultural arrogance Host populations stage cultural experiences to compensate tourists for the lack of real experience Backstage areas is where locals continue with their traditions o Authenticity of tourism experiences Pseudo artifacts that are produced and commoditized Tourists are often willing to perceive the products as being Inauthentic products are created o Marketing of culture and violation of rights to own cultural heritage authentic o Renaissance of traditional art forms Rejuvenation of arts and crafts Revival of original traditions Traditional culture is treated as a commodity Locals lose their rights Culture is turned into a paid performance o Culture change Occurs as a result of Evolutionary changes within society The way people live Contact between societies o Cultural diffusion The spread of cultural elements such as Ideas Styles Food Religion Technologies o Cultural borrowing Occurs when 2 cultures come into contact and borrow each other s traditions customs and values o Cultural drift A temporary and random cultural change Language Behavior may change temporarily for the duration of the tourists visit or brought about through education and technology o Acculturation Occurs when individuals from different cultures come into contact Individuals may maintain their culture of origin while gaining characteristics of others o Cultural adaption o Cultural adjustment Adaptation of elements of other cultures To meet the tourist need locals change their behavior and attitude 4 different stages tourists go through Honeymoon stage everything is wonderful when first get there Hostility stage Find things wrong and question local culture why do they drive on that side of the road Why is everything small Integration Now you ve taken the hostile stage and adapted to those problems Not so bad anymore Home stage you re leaving soon wish stay longer But o Cultural assimilation happy to be home Replacement of one set of cultural traits by another o Enculturation The learning of what is contained in a culture Learning the accepted norms and values and also the language break down differences of how English is spoken in Boston and Mississippi ex o Demonstration effect The effect on the behavior of individuals caused by the observation of the action of others Local residents adopt the styles and manners of tourists o Cultural conflict Created by cultural contacts Conflicts arise because people are from different cultures o Shit to know What is cultural rejection denial Cultural hostility refuse to accept others views of the world What is cultural diffusion The spread of cultural elements such as o Ideas o Styles o Food o Religion o Technologies What is cultural hostility Type of cultural rejection and denial in which you refuse to accept others views of the world What is acculturation Enculturation Acc Individuals may maintain their culture of origin while gaining characteristics of others Enc The learning of what is contained in a culture Learning the accepted norms and values and also the language break down differences of how English is spoken in Boston and Mississippi ex What are the stages a visitor tourist goes through when visiting another country there Honeymoon stage everything is wonderful when first get Hostility stage Find things wrong and question local culture why do they drive on that side of the road Why is everything small Integration Now you ve taken the hostile stage and adapted to those problems Not so bad anymore Home stage you re leaving soon wish stay longer But happy to be home What is cultural erosion international travel What is cultural arrogance Many societies experience erosion with the increase in Host populations stage cultural experiences to compensate tourists for the lack of real experience What is cultural adaptation Adaptation of elements of other cultures To meet the tourist need locals change their behavior and attitude What are the pros and cons of selling historical artifacts Traditional culture is treated as a commodity Locals lose their rights Culture is turned into a paid performance Chapter 5 Culture and Cultural Differences o Definition of culture Many definitions from anthropologist and archaeologists Include Human environment Way of life Behavior Rules of social life Food and eating habits Dress and appearance Some countries are considered to be more civilized and cultured Cultured is used to describe people who participate in elite o Culture as civilization activities o Culture by region Different geographical regions are characterized by different cultures Influenced by Social contact Colonization Trade Migration Religion Mass media o Culture as religion Religious beliefs are integral to a culture It often dictates behavior o The World s Major Religions Islam 20

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