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International Travel Study Guide Exam 3 Africa Second largest continent in the world Known as the birthplace of the human race The Sahara desert is the world s largest and covers 25 of Africa o The powerful kingdoms existed south of the Sahara o The Blue Men of the Sahara were great navigators of the desert They carried salt across the desert The Great Rift Valley runs from Syria to Mozambique The Nile River is the world s longest river Kilimanjaro in Tanzania is the highest mountain There is limited resources water etc Tourism is always hurting due to civil wars between tribes Berlin Conference 1884 Lies in the Southern Northern Eastern and Western hemispheres o The powers of Europe met discussed and established new country boundaries for Africa o This caused problems because it did not take into account native cultures Lead to families being split apart tribes warring against one another Timeline etc o 1950 s Period of independence o 1960 s Transition period growing infrastructure o 1970 s Africa was in a sort of limbo state o 1990 s Africa experienced total crisis The Mediterranean Sea separates Africa from Europe The Red Sea separates Africa from Asia Morocco It is strategically located at the entrance of the Mediterranean Sea Has played an important role in Muslim domination of Spain since 1805 Running from the Southwest to Northeast are the Atlas Mountains It is larger than the state of California Four Imperial Cities o Rabat Capital city French influence on their buildings o Marrakesh Founded in 1602 Called the Red City due to the color of their buildings This city was built to rival with Paris after the construction of o Meknes Versailles o Fez This is the most ancient of the imperial cities It was founded in the 8th century Egypt Known as the Gift of the Nile Nile flows north from Sudan The Lower Nile refers to the area north of Cairo The capital is Cairo o Outside city limits is Giza Political unrest is hurting the tourism industry Population is comprised of Turks Arabs Europeans Giza o Site of the most famous Pyramid The Great Pyramid of Cheops World s largest single building o The Sphinx is also here Does not have a nose because during Napoleon s invasion troops used it as target practice for their rifles Memphis Alexandria o First capital of Cairo o Site of what was once a great library built by Alexander the Great o Second largest city o It is now a beach resort Luxor o Country s most important destination o Site of Thebes o Egypt s imperial capital o Home to the Temple of Luxor o The Valley of the Kings is across the river from Luxor The Safari Lands Safari means journey Kiswahili is the language Two types of safari o Land safari minibuses o Wing safari airplanes Countries comprising Safari Lands Tourism has suffered since 2004 due to terrorists launching missiles at commercial aircrafts The capital is Nairobi o One of Africa s largest cities Many national parks o Kenya o Tanzania o Zambia o Botswana o Namibia o South Africa Kenya Tanzania Zambia Botswana Considered the largest country in East Africa The capital is Dodoma Home to over 125 tribal groups Mount Kilimanjaro Africa s highest mountain Ngorongoro volcano to the west of Kilimanjaro Serengeti National Park Selous Game Preserve o One of the biggest parks in the world It is a land locked country The capital is Lusaka The top attraction here is Victoria Falls Most of the country is covered by bush It is a land locked country The capital is Gaborone Kalahari desert Chobe National Park Namibia The capital is Windhoek o Home to the Bushmen one of the last hunter gatherer societies o Home to the world s highest elephant population It was a German colony previously which can be seen in existing architecture o Named because of the heavy fog that caused numerous shipwrecks o This is the most important travel destination in South Africa Namib desert o Oldest and driest desert Skeleton Coast Etosha National Park South Africa It is three times the size of Texas Has three capitals o Cape Town Legislative Capital o Pretoria Administrative Capital o Bloemfontein Judicial Capital South Africa mines 28 of the world s gold Home to Kruger National Park Middle East Middle East The middle east geographically refers to o Israel o Syria o Lebanon o Jordan o Six countries of the Arabian Peninsula o Four countries in Asia Politically the middle east includes o Morocco o Algeria o Tunisia o Libya o Egypt o Turkey o Israel The biggest travel destinations are It borders both Mediterranean and Black Sea as well as the Gulf of Oman The middle east is located in the northern and eastern hemispheres Traces of life here can be seen as early as 25 000 BC Timeline o 1400 BC Egyptian civilization rose from the Nile o 700 AD 1100 AD Islam became the next major power in the area o Post WWI The League of Nations divided the Arab lands between France and o 1940 s Arab states fought for their independence and Israel finally became a Great Britain country Israel Established by the UN in 1948 Occupies a narrow stretch of land along the Mediterranean Geography o The south is mostly desert Negev Desert o The north has the Golan Heights and the Sea of Galilee o The Dead Sea is located in the center Main Cities o Tel Aviv It is a modern city that is considered the cultural capital It is the economic center of Israel Known for beach front hotels The main airport is located here o Jerusalem Many ethnic groups reside here Jews Arabs Turks Greeks Romans The Temple Mount occupies 1 5 of the city o Bethlehem The Church of Nativity is located here Most visits take place during Christmas time o Galilee o Dead Sea Nazareth is located House of the Virgin Mary Asia s lowest point People visit because of the salt formations o Masada The Cliff of Masada Jews took their own lives here rather than being captured by the Romans It was once a military base but is now an international beach resort o Eilat Holy Cities o Jerusalem o Hebron o Safed o Tiberius Turkey Connects Europe and Asia o The Bosporus Straight separates them from one another Also known as Asia Minor For 1 000 years it was the center of the Byzantine Empire and later became the Ottoman Empire Main Places o Istanbul It is the largest city in Turkey The only city in the world that spans two continents It has an Asian side and a European side Topkapi Palace is the most popular attraction Ankara is the capital It was built to symbolize the Ottoman Empire Not much tourism because it is a business and

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