The Great Depression and the Rise of Totalitarianism in Europe I Background a Totalitarianism i Total power ii Wield both public and private power iii Define themselves as the state 1 Hitler 2 Stalin b Authoritarian i Limited power ii Wields only public power iii Seeks advice and defers to others 1 Lenin 2 Khrushchev c Three different types of Government i Stalinism ii Socialism 1 Stalin 1 Hitler iii Fascism 1 Mussolini II Mussolini and Fascism in Italy 1 Background a Before the Great War was a socialist b Entered war on Entente side i Wanted land from Austro Hungary c War ended Italians didn t receive land i Angry 2 Seizure of Power a Didn t do anything clever i Offered socialist promises ii Overlooked b Changed courses Started to give speeches on change and Fascism i Vitriolic and Passionate c Started to become more and more popular and gained followers i Attracted people from all parties d Hated Communism only for fascism i Started telling people communism was going to take over 1 Scared the people into following him 2 Compared to Louis Napoleon e Black Shirts and Youth Movements i Illegal armies formed by Mussolini formed of kids 1 Used them to get what he wanted 2 Started a revolution f The king gave up i Didn t want a revolution ii Appointed Mussolini as head of government iii Greatly weakened parliament but it was still intact 3 Regime in Action a Targeted kids i Used the schooling system to mold children into perfect fascists ii Wanted to create and new system from the ground up iii Kept his army of children 4 Mussolini s Weaknesses a Could never get the population behind him i No matter how hard he tried they didn t want to follow him ii Slowly lost power iii Barely an Authoritarian 5 Hitler and National Socialism in Germany a Background i Born in Austria ii Served in ww1 1 Wounded in battle iii Failed artist iv Became obsessed with politics 1 Wanted to return Germany to its former glory 2 Didn t do very well 1 Versailles Treaty a The effect of war reparations a Forced Germany to take complete blame for WWI b Forced to pay 3 trillions dollars c Attempting to force Germany into total submission d Many leaders tried to help i No one could succeed 2 It is the Economy stupid a uber inflation a Because of their major debt b No jobs a People unable to find work b Couldn t feed families c People couldn t trust the government d Ready for radical ideas 3 Hitler s Road to Power a Munich Beer Hall Putsch a Hitler and followers first attempt at starting a revolution i failed b Government was just strong enough to stop it c Hitler and followers tried and sentenced to three years of prison i He used his trial to gain popularity and spread ideas ii Used prison time to write Mein Kampf d Realized he couldn t overthrow the gov and decides to undermine it b The Rational Deal a Hitler began putting efforts into creating the National Socialist Part i Grew wildly popular ii By 1932 it was the largest political party in German parliment Reichstag 1 14 5 million voters b People start growing wary of him i Decide that the only way to stop him is to make him Chancelor 1 Attempt to make his views less radical 2 Failed became more radical 4 The Nazi State and Society a Makes a new election i To make Hitler a Dictator ii People vote no b Seizes power i Arsons parliament building 1 Blames fascists and Communists 2 People believe him and start to follow him more 3 Parliament passes the c Enabling Act 5 Changes to Society i Declared Hitler Dictator of Germany a Immediately limits all basic Freedoms i Speech ii Unions iii Assembly b Created the KdF i A huge labor union ii Had to be a part of it to work 1 Way to have complete control over workers iii Had to be a Nazi to be a part of it c Re organized Education i Only taught certain types of history ii No more visionshoft academic freedom 1 No more intellectuals 2 Made opposition almost impossible d No more BBC radio Imperial Radio i ii Banned e Industrial changes i Built Autobahn ii Created new factories 1 Last way of getting outside viewpoints 2 Only Nazi Propaganda allowed iii Able to stabilize and completely pull Germany out of the depression by 1936 f Versailles Treaty i Refused to abide by it anymore ii Stopped paying fines iii British and French let it go 1 Didn t want to fight 2 Were dealing with internal problems from GD 3 Didn t think that Germany was a threat g Lebensraum i Living Space ii Expanded Empire 6 International Response a Appeasement 1 Took part of Austria 2 Attempted to take part of the Czech republic a British and French do nothing b Thought by appeasing him he would stop and they could contain him i Very wrong Key Terms Strength through Joy KdF Large labor Union formed by Hitler to control the workers in Germany had to be in it to work and had to be a Nazi to join Lebensraum Living Space The Expansion of Germany into Europe Mein Kampf Book Hitler wrote while in prison Stated all his ideas on making a better world Enabling Act Act passed by the German Parliament Reichstag that declared Hitler the dictator of Germany Die Fuhrer The Leader What Hitler referred to himself as Reichstag The German Parliment uber inflation Three year period that Germany paid France and Britain for losing the Great War Weimar City in Germany that served as the meeting place of the National Socialist Part Black Shirts Mussolini s army of Children he used to enforce his policies and hold on to power Fascism a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism regimenting all industry commerce etc and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism The Second World War 1939 1945 I Phase One in Europe 1939 1942 A Hitler s Western European Empire 1 German USSR Non aggression Pact a Made a non aggression pact with Russia b Said they would split Poland and Lithuania c Lasted a few months 2 Collapse of Poland a First country Hitler invaded i Invaded with tanks b Completely took over c Thought he was dont 3 Fall of France and most of Western Europe Invaded France Second i Got held up a b Dunkirk Evacuation i British and French able to Evacuate men from the Beaches of Dunkirk ii Over 80 of British and French armies were saved c Marechal Petain and Vichy France i Petain leader of France 1 Ultimately surrendered to Hitler 2 Created ii Vichy France 1 Government in France the collaborated with the axis powers 2 Let Hitler take charge 3 French Jews were deported 4 Great Britain a Only European power that
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