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Ch 15 Study Guide 1 What is a mutation a change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA that can be passed on from one cell or organism to another 2 Be able to identify describe the different types of mutations Silent Usually do not affect protein function Does not affect protein function May be in a non coding region or code for the same amino acids as the original Common result in genetic diversity that isn t expressed Missense Result in substitution of one amino acid for another in a protein Result in substitution of one amino acid for another in a protein Missense mutations may have no effect on protein function Or the protein functional efficiency may be reduced but not completely inactivated Nonsense A base substitution results in a stop codon somewhere in the mRNA A base substitution results in a stop codon somewhere in the mRNA Results in a shortened protein which is usually not functional If near the 3 end it may have no effect Frameshift Insertions or deletions of bases These mutations alter the reading frame for the 3 base codons during translation Nonfunctional proteins are produced 3 Given a template strand of DNA be able to write out the RNA transcript that would be made the amino acid sequence that would be made and the complementary DNA strand 4 Given a codon be able to write the anticodon and vice versa

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TAMU BIOL 111 - Ch 15 Study Guide

Type: Study Guide
Pages: 1
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