FSU MMC 2000 - Introduction to Mass Commmunication

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MMC 2000 Lecture 1 Outline of Current Lecture II What is communication a Lasswell s Answer The Source Message Receiver Channel b Osgood Schramm s Model III How Is Mass Communication Different a Media communication continuum IV Why does it matter that Mass Communication is different Current Lecture Introduction to Mass Media What is communication Encoding and decoding information Interaction between people the sharing of information Media communication Lasswell s questions liner one way message of communication model Lasswell s Idea process of creating shared meaning SMRC Source Message Receiver Channel The general idea of SMRC Who says What to Whom over What channel with What effect Who The source What The message Whom The receiver What Chanel Limitation o You can t interact with a one way channel o Can lose messages and meaning in one way channels 1 Take the information 2 Decode the message what you think the message means 3 Takes that information and develop a response to send back out to be interpreted 4 Information goes back into the cycle again Communication is a process it never stops The idea of sharing the meaning is the sign of good communication The most important idea of this model is that communication is a process its not a single interact in which one person sends information and it is over Communication requires interacts from both parties to receive the message and decode it and send back a signal How is Mass Communication different The process of shared meaning between mass media and audience Rather then two private individuals involved in communication How does the communication process change across the continuum Messages become more generalized and less personalized as we move from left to right Audience is more remote physical culture understanding and less involved in the message The audience also becomes more heterogeneous vary more as we move from left to right o As we start to focus less on the individual the message starts to become more detached from local communities and try to encompass the ideologies of the mass public The channel is more technologically driven and access more costly as we move from left to right o The cost of produce research advertising air time Classroom input Cost of communication increases Information become more available Information becomes less personal the message changes Less control over how the message is interpretation Consumer based More culture influence Why does it matter that Mass communication is different Because mass communication produces maintains repairs and transforms culture What is culture Learned behavior of members of a social group Baron The lens through which we see the world Baron Through media we are able to define our culture based on the things the media chooses to display and present to us therefore giving media a huge decision in defining culture This is the reason why it matters that Mass communication is different because it holds large social power

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FSU MMC 2000 - Introduction to Mass Commmunication

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