BU PSYC 111 - Social Influences
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Grade Buddy PSYCH 111 1st Edition Lecture 20 Outline of Last Lecture I Attributes II Prejudice III Attitudes Outline of Current Lecture I Compliance II Obedience III Conformity Current Lecture I Compliance Compliance is when a person gives in to the demands or another person and ors what they wish The factors that influence one s willingness to comply are the status of the requester the number of requests the proximity of the requestor s to the person and whether the person is alone or not According to Cialdini compliance can be obtained in several different ways All of his ways make use of cognitive dissonance His methods include the four walls technique the low ball technique the foot in the door technique and the door in the face technique The four walls technique is to basically trap the person so they have no other option to comply The low ball technique is to make the request seem better than it actually is The foot in thedoor technique is to assert yourself into a situation where the person cannot say no II Obedience Obedience is when someone follows the directions they are given or do what they are told to do Obedience was studied by the Milgram study and wondered why participants comply with what they are told Pre existing beliefs regarding authority and the value of science were determined to be one of the reasons people obey what they are told Obedience was studied with These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute the experimenter nearby but the participant in the other room The foot inthe door technique was what was most often used in the study There are numerous effects of being observed Social facilitation and social influence are two of the most prominent effects The effects of watching others include Unresponsive Bystander Phenomenon and the diffusion of responsibility This also increases crowd mentality where reduced accountability and shifted attention is prominent III Conformity Conformity is when one gives in and does what the other people around them are doing like a crowd mentality type situation In Asch s experiment it was determined that participants conform 37 of the time they are presented with a situation This often has an informational or normative influence on the person Group Decision making was also studied as well as group polarization and group thinking This creates a strive for unity the defending of the leader s decision and suppresses criticism of the group

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BU PSYC 111 - Social Influences

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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