UW-Milwaukee LINGUIS 100 - Syntax

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LINGUIS 100 1st Edition Lecture 11 Look at the Review that is put on D2L for the first exam Diversity of Morphology and Syntax There is a big overlap between syntax and morphology What some languages do with a few words to build a sentence other languages do with just one word morphosyntax which is a connection between morphology and syntax and states the overlap that there is between the two Syntax Error Syntax Doesn t just determine word order it can cover multiple things All of the words have to be in a sentence like The first exam is next week Couldn t say Exam next week must have some sort of verb Syntax determines what words need to be included in a sentence a Which words must be in a sentence b Where words may appear in a sentence i Languages having flexible word order like Latin and to an extent Polish as well There are some things added on to these words that indicate that the words are subjects and verbs ii Even though these languages have flexible word order it can t put any word in any order It takes chunks of the sentence or phrases and can rearrange them c Which words may be in a sentence i Where I put the subject will determine where I put the verb and other pieces of the sentence What are the possible ways to arrange the subject object and verb a The thing that does a verb in a sentence in English is the subject i Example Arron Rodgers subject is eating verb ii However you can rearrange this and say it in a number of ways like 1 Arron Rodgers is eating cheese 2 Arron Rodgers eats cheese 3 Arron Rodgers cheese eats This one is not of English syntax but other languages do this where the verb is at the end of the sentence rather than directly after the Subject a SOV to SVO b When we add more words we are enhancing the meaning of the words in the sentence Phrase a chunk of a sentence When we add more words to the sentence they enhance the meaning of the subject object or verb In a language like English we see that we can add things to either side of the head but do we add them before or after the head like Sentences are made up of Phrases We need a noun and verb to make a sentence in all the worlds languages If you give a command you can get rid of the noun but there is still an implied subject with that as well In some languages there are different tenses in commands but does this happen in English Dr Pattillo is not sure but thinking that we really do not have this without adding information like time words such as tomorrow yesterday now etc Words can belong to different categories nouns verbs adposition etc a What is a preposition in on between i These come before the head of a phrase ii They show us the relationship between two things with their location iii In English we mainly have prepositions that appear before the noun you are speaking of b Adposition just like you can have a preposition you can have a postposition as well i It s usually the word go in English Phrases a A phrase is a string of words one of more that function as a unit in a sentence Noun phrase whenever we have a noun and phrase that gives meaning to that noun we can analyze how those words give it meaning book head the book added the the interesting book are we adding information before or after the head which is book the big interesting book the big heavy and interesting book b We call these pattern left branching c Ran is the word here and we can say and add different things to this word as well even though it is a verb this is not random and it is systematic With adding meaning to the word ran we add to the right by saying things like a ran quickly b ran very quickly c ran very quickly and swiftly Know that these two examples are forms of branching As we compare languages we can see that all languages branch in different ways and in different positions of the words Descriptive Grammar and Prescriptive Grammar Requirements that make it impossible to not add things like ing onto a verb in a certain syntax agreement requires things to be structured and put together in a certain way in a sentence he see you cannot have a verb that does not add that s with a subject such as he which is third person singular Check online for your homework and reading schedule Tells you the week the chapter and what you should be doing for study questions

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