LINGUIS 100 1st Edition Lecture 10 Exam Preparation There is a new schedule posted on D2L along with some general questions that will help you prepare for the exam I will be making a study guide to hopefully answer these questions and assist you in studying for the exam Don t just try to sit down and memorize the whole list of vocabulary words that are on the D2L document add words each day May I also suggest to make flash cards for these Actual exam day It is a scantron exam so bring a number 2 pencil and also your student ID Review right now for this exam rather than waiting Review before discussion section will be doing review in discussion sections Review of Content Morphology Review with the word exam All sorts of morphemes we can find for the word exam One of the most basic ways of looking at morphemes is Is a morpheme a free or a bound morpheme For example if I have the word exam I cannot take anything away from this word and still have a word This means that it is a free morpheme Free morphemes are morphemes that make up words all by themselves Examine Now we have a bound morpheme of ine Derivational morpheme and an inflectional morpheme Figuring out which ending to put onto the infinitive base form all of these endings are morphemes and hold some sort of meaning Now the question is is it a derivational or inflectional morpheme These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Inflectional or Derivational Inflectional tense person plurality Derivational morphemes change the word by changing the type of word that it is changing something from a noun to a verb Can t use a verb as a noun so sometimes we have to add a morpheme to be able to use a word in a different form or context Can also have an examiner and an examinee Can also change it into an examination a These are both examples of derivational morphemes because it is changing the grammar and meaning of the word i What are these different types of morphemes and why do we need all of these different types of words to explain them b English likes to have morphemes that add them to the end or the right of the stem suffixes c You can also add them to the left of the stem which is considered a prefix example pre examine i You can also infix something and put the affix in the middle of a word but we do not do this in English ii pre examine is a bound morpheme Words like examinator ial examin able Make this concept complicated and complex and what is even more fascinating is that you learned how to do this on your own with no one teaching you unless you learned English or another language as a second language Linguistics Video Language is untidy The rules of languages are learned unconsciously as a child The language faculty is a sub system of the human brain and that part of the brain yields a language Sound changes from ancient times to modern languages are systematic there are rules governing how those languages are put together Analysis of language able to show that there were patterns and come up with very simple rules for explaining these patterns Lets ask What is a possible human language a This analysis showed that there is some process in your head some rule or pattern that you use to process this pattern formulate it and produce sentences using this process b What is a possible human being how does the human mind work These are questions that derive from What is a possible human language The point of a language is to be able to say things you ve never said before never heard before and have never understood before but in able to do this we must apply something very simple yet complicated a system words are nothing without sounds and words construct sentences and can be put together in an infinite number of ways to be able to formulate thought 1 The genius of the system is that with a small number of words you can make a variety of sentences a What is a word How does a child know what a word is i Most people think they know what a word is until you ask them ii You try to define it and you can t put your finger on it iii We recognize as linguists that that is actually an extraordinarily difficult question A word is a separate piece of a language that all by itself will have a specific meaning b Trying to find the longest word of a language i Prefixes and suffixes
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