BU PSYC 111 - Learning
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PSYCH 111 1st Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Ethology II Sociobiology Outline of Current Lecture I Learning II Classical Conditioning III Operant Conditioning Current Lecture I Learning There were 4 major laws that were created under associative learning from Gestalt psychology The first law was the law of contiguity was the law that when two events happen in close proximity to each other they are mot likely to occur close to each other again and to be remembered together The law of similarity was that two similar things will be paired and stored in the mind The law of contrast is that when one thing is mentioned it triggers the remembrance of the opposite thing or event The law of frequency is when the more two things are paired together the more frequently they will be remembered together II Classical Conditioning Classical conditioning was developed by Pavlov and Watson and is the passive form of conditioning It is learning to pair a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus One experiment done by Pavlov was the experiment where he took a dog and rang a bell every time he fed it in order to create salivation in the dog That way when Pavlov rang the bell even if he didn t give the dog food the dog would still salivate Spontaneous recovery is when an animal shows the signs of learning it previously had The bandara experiment was when a group of kids were given either preferred or unpreferred toys to play with Before they were given the toys they watched parents interact with a bobo doll The kids who were given the These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute preferred toys saw the parents interact kindly with the doll and did the same The other kids saw the parents hit or mistreat the doll and often did the same In higher order conditioning there are 3 steps Step 1 CS1 tone is paired with US shock Step 2 CS1 is presented with CS2 light Step 3 CS2 alone elicits the CR fear US Unconditioned Response UR Unconditioned Response CS Conditioned Stimulus US UR CS US UR CS CR III Operant Condtioning Operant conditioning was developed by Thorndike and Skinner and is the active form of conditioning Operant conditioning deals with trial and error and reinforcement There is positive and negative reinforcement positive being when the subject is given something they want and negative being when they don t There is also primary and secondary reinforcement primary being when there is no learning necessary and secondary is associated with primary reinforcement The side effects of reinforcement are approach avoidance conflict modeling of aggression and pain induced aggression

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BU PSYC 111 - Learning

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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