UW-Milwaukee LINGUIS 100 - Grammar

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LINGUIS 100 1st Edition Lecture 1 The first Lecture of this class basically covered the syllabus and what we could be expected to cover over the course of the semester We briefly discussed What is human language Turned to partner as stated how is human language different from computer language and animal language The questions that we answer at the end of every chapter we read one chapter per week will be useful for studying and can be considered study questions The Text can be found at the UWM bookstore The Study of Language 5th Edition by George Yule Questions from the first lecture 1 What is human language 2 What is the difference between communication and language 3 How are animal communication computer language and English different from each other 4 How do you know when someone switches languages 5 How are English and Chinese different In each one of these we discussed with people around us we alluded to the fact that we would be covering them more in depthly through our readings and future lectures Proceeding to watch short videos about a parrot and a monkey we discovered that one of the main differences between human language and animal language is this Animals can learn words and maybe even phrases and respond intelligently but they cannot form complex and complete sentences to illustrate new insight Picture We then looked at a picture that included three people interacting with each other and were asked to tell the story of what is going on in the picture Point of Exercise The point of this was that everyone came up with a different and unique situation for the same picture Why was this and how was this possible It is possible because each language has an infinite amount of ways to put together words in a sentence These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute How does language work Grammar the parts and order of language which includes sounds words sentences A sentence can have the correct words but not in the right order A word can have the right sounds but not pronounced correctly by the speaker

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