ADPR 3100 1nd Edition Lecture 33 Outline of Previous Lecture I Group presentation a Hardees b Joe Camel Outline of Current Lecture II Group presentation a Strong4Life b Holocaust on a Plate Current Lecture Group 3 o Strong4Life Campaign Promoting healthy eating habits and raise awareness of childhood obesity in the US Modeled after anti smoking and anti meth ads Programs in schools Set up clinics to treat psychological effects of obesity Ran in pilot markets in macon and Columbus atlanta and stopped in 2012 Dynamic media o Black and white continuity Reaction These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Didn t motivate people to make lifestyle changes we need to fight obesity and not obese people ads shamed obese people Many agreed that children s healthcare achieved their goal because it sparked debate Criticism Shamed children and insulted parents Reagan Chastain s support all kids billboard project San Francesco Fat Activists Stand against campaign mocked black and white ads o Goal was to create awareness succeeded negative publicity was still good publicity o Change Less emphasis on shame Static ads vs Rewind the Future Changing direction of ads from morbid to a motivating warning Health at every size Keeps fearsome strategy Group 4 o Holocaust on Your Plate Campaign o PETA Juxtaposed pictures of holocaust to pictures of abused animals o Opposition ADL mission to stop defamation of the Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment to all Compared victims to livestock Wanted them to remove holocaust pictures PETA apologized 3 years later Made it seem like all people are Nazis
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