BIOSC 150 1nd Edition Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture I Subcellular structures continued II Signals Outline of Current Lecture 1 Tissues 2 Organs 3 Muscle 4 Transmembrane functions Current Lecture Cells do not exist in isolation Tissue an assemblage of cells that function as a unit Organ unit comprised of multiple tissues Cells are supported by extracellular matrix ECM The main fibrous component of ECM is collagen which resists tension Proteoglycans contribute to the ground substance in which fibers are embedded Glycoproteins also contribute to ground substance Integrins link the cytoskeleton to the ECM Epithelial tissues act as regulated barriers Tight Junctions tightly pack epithelial cells act as great barriers and help polarize the celss Desmosomes epithelial sheets that resist tensile forces adhesion Transmembrane cadherins mediate homotypic adhesion Gap Junctions control communication in epithelial cells These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Epithelia generate a minimal amount of ECM the basal lamina Basal Lamina supports epithelium flitration selective binding and maintains cell polarity Hemidesmosomes may anchor an epithelium to the basal lamina Connective Tissues are not tightly packed and do not contain tight junctions or desmosomes they are however highly vascularized Connective Tissues underlies epithelia in skin and mucosal tissues it forms ligaments and tendons Adipose tissue used for energy storage cushioning and warmth Skeletal muscle striations reflect sarcomere architecture Cardiac Muscles involuntary branched cell with a single nucleus striated and connected by intercalated disks
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