BIOSC 150 1nd Edition Lecture 7 Outline of Last Lecture I Membranes Outline of Current Lecture 1 Study of disease A Cystic Fibrosis Current Lecture What are the symptoms of cystic fibrosis a b c d Appearance of being emaciated Sweat is salty Trouble breathing Mucous build up in lungs What is the cause of cystic fibrosis a Hydrophobic chain trans membrane domains b Chlorine ion unable to escape the cell membrane How to isolate the membrane protein 1 2 3 Add detergents Binding takes place by the detergent Isolation of the protein bound CFTR the protein responsible for cystic fibrosis purification is analyzed by gel electrophoresis Look at the primary structure amino sequence to determine the size of the protein Purified CFTR is then mixed with phospholipids to make liposomes the liposomes are then tested for chlorine ion conductance Why is the mucous so thick in patients diagnosed with cystic fibrosis a Their CFTR channel is defective b In turn the chlorine ions are unable to move out the cell These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute c This then leads to less movement of water through the cell d Less water leads to more build of sticky mucous How to diagnose the problem of mucous a Amylose carbohydrates provides digestion of Amylase b Lipase lipids is added to triglycerides providing digestion of fatty acids and glycerol c Protease proteins provides digestion of amino acids All the following enzymes are adding to the patients diet in the form of a pill and are taken during every meal to break down each of the following macromolecules This helps the patient to gain weight
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