Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6 002 Circuits Electronics Spring 2006 Information Lecturer Prof J H Lang Room 10 176 Extension 3 4687 lang mit edu Instructors Prof L A Kolodziejski Room 36 287 Extension 3 6868 leskolo mit edu Prof R R Parker Room NW17 288 Extension 8 6662 parker psfc mit edu TAs Lance Bourque lanceb mit edu Byungsub Kim byungsub mit edu Head TA Alexander Moore awmoore mit edu William Sanchez wasan79 mit edu The TA o ces are inside the Lab Room 38 501 Web Site http web mit edu 6 002 Prereqs Both 8 02 2 and 18 03 6 are important prerequisites for taking 6 002 It is di cult to focus on the concepts introduced in 6 002 without the physical and mathematical foundations that these prerequisites provide Therefore if you have not taken both 8 02 2 and 18 03 6 you will not be allowed to enroll in 6 002 Lectures One hour lectures will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 00 AM in Room 10 250 Recitations One hour recitations are currently scheduled for Wednesdays and Fridays as shown in the chart below Recitation assignments will be posted at the 6 002 web site by the end of the day on Thursday 2 9 You should attend your assigned recitation throughout the entire term If you must change your recitation assignment please inform your TA or the Head TA Hour 10 AM 11 AM 12 Noon 1 PM Room 36 153 36 153 36 153 36 153 Instructor Kolodziejski Kolodziejski Parker Parker TA Sanchez Kim Moore Bourque If changes to the scheduling of recitations become necessary they will be announced in advanced during lecture and recitation These changes will also be re ected in the recitation assignments posted at the 6 002 web site Tutorials Tutorials will be held in the TA o ces inside the Lab Room 38 501 on Mondays and Tuesdays and perhaps Wednesdays during those weeks in which there is no lab in progress Tutorial hours will be assigned and posted at the 6 002 web site by the end of the day on Thursday 2 9 Tutorials canceled due to the President s Day and Patriot s Day holidays will be rescheduled by your TA Text The 6 002 text book Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits by Agarwal and Lang may be purchased at Quantum Books There is also a small number of books on reserve at Barker Library Videos Nine hour long video tutorials are available for viewing on the web Their address is http web mit edu 6 002 www spring01 videos and there is a link to them at the 6 002 web site They cover the following topics nodal analysis complex numbers transistor ampli er analysis small signal analysis sinusoidal steadystate analysis resonance operational ampli ers bode plots and linear circuit dynamics WebSim Interactive circuit simulations are available at http euryale lcs mit edu websim There is a link to the simulations at the 6 002 web site Homework Homework will be issued on Wednesdays in recitation and collected on the following Wednesdays in recitation Corrected homework with solutions will be returned in tutorials the week after it is collected You are welcome and encouraged to discuss the homework among your colleagues but the nal formulation and write up of your homework solutions must be your own Submitting homework copied from someone else is a serious breach of ethics and will be handled by the Committee on Discipline Late homework will not be accepted for grading However total homework grades will be based on the best nine out of eleven individual homework grades Thus with one exception two homework assignments may be missed without a grading penalty The one exception is Homework 11 which is mandatory Homework 11 will be a two week design assignment that will also serve as the pre lab exercises for Lab 4 Handouts Extra handouts from lecture and recitation can generally be found at the 6 002 web site Please ask the lecturer or the Head TA for a copy of those handouts that can not be put on the web Labs Labs will be conducted during the weeks of 3 6 3 20 4 24 and 5 8 TAs and LAs will be available for help and lab check o at least between 1 00 PM and 5 00 PM during those weeks in which a lab is in progress Individual lab hours will be assigned and posted at the 6 002 web site by the end of the day on Thursday 2 9 Written work for each lab which is to be completed in a lab notebook will generally be due in recitation on the Wednesday following the week of the corresponding lab You are welcome and encouraged to discuss the labs among your colleagues However the execution and write up of your lab must be done on your own Skipping the lab and submitting work copied from someone else is a serious breach of ethics and will be handled by the Committee on Discipline Failure to complete the labs in this subject will result in a grade of F Lab Kits Lab kits will be most easily purchased on Monday and Tuesday 2 13 and 2 14 from 2 PM to 4 PM in the Lab Room 38 501 To do so you must bring a completed purchase form and payment of 25 payment by check is preferred but cash will be accepted The forms will be handed out in recitation on Wednesday 2 8 Once purchased the lab kits may be picked up at the EECS Instrument Desk in the Lab between 9 AM and 5 PM To pick up a lab kit you must also sign and hand in the EECS Safety Sheet attached to the Laboratory Information handout The EECS Safety Sheet will also be handed out in recitation on Wednesday 2 8 Lab Books You must obtain a thin square ruled notebook for recording and or graphing measurements and observations made during in lab exercises Written pre lab and post lab exercises must also be completed in your lab notebook Your lab notebook will generally be due for grading during recitation on the Wednesday following the lab week it will be returned before the next lab Quizzes One hour closed book quizzes will be given in recitation on Wednesday 3 1 Friday 4 7 and Friday 5 5 Obviously the quizzes must be worked on your own and any infractions will be handled by the Committee on the Discipline Graded quizzes will be returned in recitation If you do not attend recitation on the day that your quiz is returned then it is your responsibility to get your quiz from your recitation instructor You will have two weeks from the day each quiz is returned in recitation to request a grading review regardless of whether or not you attended recitation and received your quiz Note that the two week period may be shortened for Quiz 3 depending upon the date of the nal exam If you wish to have …
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