Elements of weather and climate Academic Excellence Showcase Thursday May 27 Two points credit for each talk you attend in Earth science Climate 8 30 to 10 30 AM in NS 101 General Science video productions Energy 9 00 to 11 00 AM in NS 218 Geology of sedimentary formations in Oregon Coast Range Temperature Range of temperature Seasonal temperature pattern Rainfall One point credit for every four Earth Science posters you investigate in the Pacific Room of Werner Center 11 30 AM to 1 00 PM Attend the Medical Geology effect of environment on health posters Those on poli sci math or physical education will NOT count for credit Earth Science Chapter 20 Pages 560 573 Must submit worksheets summaries and attendance tickets of each talk or poster for credit Link to worksheets instructions presentations http www wou edu brownk ES106 AcademicExcellenceShowcase pdf Weather vs Climate Overall rainfall Seasonal distribution of rainfall Compared to evaporation potential Pressure Predominant pressure Seasonal fluctuation of pressure Atmospheric Circulation Ocean circulation Values used for Koppen System World climate map Climate is the weather you expect Weather is what you get whether you expect it or not Note if you spell it whether it has a different meaning Jan and July temps Overall temperature Evaporation compared to precipitation Absolute rainfall Rainfall distribution Extreme temperature 1 Koppen Climate System Af Tropical rainforest A tropical wet monsoon dry w s B dry desert steppe low mid latitude C humid mid latitude mild winter wett summer dry d summer westt coast t D humid mid latitude severe winter E polar tundra ice cap H highland modified version of local lowland area cooler moister A Climatic diagrams A Tropical climates Monsoon Climate NEVER COLD Rain forest always wet Monsoon extreme seasonal rainfall Savannah very dry months Tropical Monsoon Due to arrival of ITCZ in a local area at a certain season ITCZ migrates out of area leaving a distinct dry season Southern Asia Sothwestern Pacific islands Western Equatorial Africa Northeastern South America http www freewebs com scienceandsociety summermonsoonpdem2 gif Aw Tropical Savannah Tropical Savanna Subtropical desert Never cold Pronounced dry season lasts longer than wet season Wet W t season isn t i t as wett as monsoon climate http www gerber travel ch Tours libya 1999 5 htm 2 B Dry climates Cold desert B Cilmate Diagrams EVAPORATION POTENTIAL EXCEEDS PRECIPITATION Low latitude deserts always warm Subtropical S bt i l hi high h pressure 20 30 N and S of equator Mid latitude deserts can be quite cold Further poleward than low latitude deserts Rain shadow effect http www asphalto org user id 907 PHPSESSID a55 Steppe Climate Sub tropical Steppe Mid latitude steppe Transition from desert climate to another climate next to the desert Not as dry as desert Desert D th has more evaporation ti compared d tto rainfall than steppe Dessert mmm cake Do you see they are spelled differently http os inf tu dresden de nf2 nz farewell Worldwide arid zones World climate map http 61966 rapidforum com topic 101082217975 C Mild mid latitude climate Humid MILD WINTER Divisions Hot summer dry or wet Warm summer dry or wet Marine west coastal climate unique subdivision of dry summer that extends far poleward of other mild climates Moderated by the ocean and the westerlies 3 Mild Humid wet all year Mild Dry summer climate C Climate Diagrams http usparks about com od nationalparksus ig santamonicaphotos Scenery11 htm http www us parks com images everglades national park plantlife of everglades p 3629 m jpg Marine west coast Coastal Alaska World climate map Northern mild climate due to incoming moist air from ocean by westerlies http thewondersofnature com bears co scenery 01 html http www uwsp edu geo faculty ritter geog101 textbook climate systems marine west coast html D Severe mid latitude D Climate Diagrams Humid continental severe winter SEVERE WINTERS Humid continental Cold winter Wet W t summer Hardwood forests Subarctic Not warm in summer Needle leaf evergreens Taiga http www public iastate edu glh NATREGION FRONTIMAGES front6 jpg 4 Midlatitude humid continental Taiga Midlatitude humid continental http www uwsp edu geo faculty ritter geog101 textbook biogeography biomes midlatitude forests page 1 html World climate map http www uwsp edu geo faculty ritter geog101 textbook biogeography biomes midlatitude forests page 1 html E Polar climate Tundra TOO COLD FOR TREES Tundra some month is above freezing Ice cap no months are above freezing E Climate Diagrams Ice cap climate World climate map http www uwsp edu geo faculty ritter geog101 textbook climate systems icecap html 5 Highland Lowland adjacent to H Highland difference Modified version of local climate Cooler moister H compared to adjacent climate Components of climate Academic Excellence Showcase Thursday May 27 Two points credit for each talk you attend in Earth science 8 30 to 10 30 AM in NS 101 General Science video productions Energy 9 00 to 11 00 AM in NS 218 Geology of sedimentary formations in Oregon Coast Range One point credit for every four Earth Science posters you investigate in the Pacific Room of Werner Center 11 30 AM to 1 00 PM Investigate Medical Geology effect of environment on health posters Those on poli sci math or physical education will NOT count for credit Must submit worksheets summaries and attendance tickets of each talk or poster for credit Link to worksheets instructions presentations http www wou edu brownk ES106 AcademicExcellenceShowcase pdf 6
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