Image Courtesy Intel Welcome to CS250 VLSI Systems Design 9 2 10 Yunsup Lee YUNSUP LEE Email yunsup cs berkeley edu Please add CS250 in the subject Will try to get back in a day CS250 Newsgroup Post questions to the newsgroup so everyone else can read the answer as well Sections Thursday 5 6pm 310 SODA I can t make September 23 s section can we do it on September 21 Office Hours Tuesday 10 11am 711 SODA Remember NEVER post materials online Tools Documents Technology files Methodology scripts Sorry Only one machine on line icom1 eecs berkeley edu Trying to get more machines now SVN server not on line yet Will write a news flash to the newsgroup when I make more progress on infrastructure What is my job Verilog Source Behav Verilog Source RTL VCS VCS Behav Sim RTL Sim Execute SIM Execute SIM Std Cell Library Constraints Design Compiler Gate Level Netlist Guidance File Delay File Constraints Timing File Area Formality VPD Test Outputs DVE GUI VPD Test Outputs IC Compiler DP TLU Files Verification Results Floor Plan Design Vision GUI DVE GUI IC Compiler P R VCS Post Syn Sim Gate Level Netlist Delay File Constraints Timing File Area Layout Parasitics File Execute SIM VCS VPD Test Outputs IC Compiler GUI Post P R Sim DVE GUI Execute SIM VPD DVE GUI Test Outputs VPD2VCD VCD PrimeTime Power Estimates How Three labs Project Lab 1 GCD VLSI s Hello World 8 30 9 13 before class 2 weeks Lab 2 Write and Synthesize a Two Stage Three Stage Maven v2 Processor More about RTL implementation and synthesis 9 13 10 4 before class 3 weeks Lab 3 ASIC Implementation of a Three Stage Maven v2 Processor with On Chips Caches More about using the SRAM Cache compilers Place Route Power 9 13 10 4 before class 3 weeks Project Give Maven v3 as baseline Explore one or more micro architectural variations to improve performance or energy efficiency Lab 1 GCD Greatest Common Divisor Things that are provided Test Harness Things that you need to do Write GCD RTL Push it through the tool flow Goal Recap Verilog Coding Get a feeling of all the tools Lab 2 Maven v2 RTL Implementation Synthesis Maven Stands for Malleable Array of Vector thread ENgines Things that are provided Test Harness which loads programs Maven v1 RTL Implementation Maven ISA Simulator Maven C C Compiler Things that you need to do Write Maven v2 RTL Synthesize processor Formally Verify Goal Correct Execution Minimize Clock Frequency Post Synthesis Area Maven v1 vs Maven v2 Maven v1 5 instructions 1 stage pipeline LW SW ADDIU BNE MTC0 Maven v2 33 instructions 2 stage pipeline LW SW ADDIU SLTI SLTIU ANDI ORI XORI LUI SLL SRL SRA SLLV SRLV SRAV ADDU SUBU AND OR XOR NOR SLT SLTU J JAL JR JALR BEQ BNE BLEZ BGTZ BLTZ BGEZ MFC0 MTC0 No Branch Delay Slot Lab 3 Maven v2 Place and Route Power Things that are provided Test Harness SRAM Cache Compiler Things that you need to do Integrate Caches to your design make it more realistic Modify your RTL Synthesize Core Place and Route design Estimate Power Make an analytic power energy model Goal Correct Execution Minimize Area Minimize Power Any Questions so far CAD Tools generate a lot of data You should be able to script Python is strongly recommended Mac Preview doesn t copy paste newlines Use Adobe PDF Reader to copy paste commands from the labs Labs are 15 of your grade Each student gets a total of four late days Everything goes into the SVN repository Your writeup should only be in text or PDF Greatest Common Divisor Euclidean Algorithm START A B if A B SWAP A B else if B 0 SUBTRACT A B B else DONE gcd A START 32 48 A B SWAP 48 32 B 0 SUBTRACT 16 32 A B SWAP 32 16 B 0 SUBTRACT 16 16 B 0 SUBTRACT 0 16 A B SWAP 16 0 B 0 DONE GCD 16 GCD Port Interface operands val result val operands rdy result rdy operands bits A result bits data operands bits B clk reset Let s form groups Make 5 groups by doing group Birth Month Birth Day MOD 5 Will give you 5 10 minutes What should I do Figure out what goes into the datapath and control datapath big functional units of your design control signals which drive the datapath Figure out what states you need Figure out the transition between states Figure out the following signals for each state A mux sel A en B mux sel B en operands rdy results val Tick tock operands val operands rdy operands A A mux sel A en reset result val B mux sel B en B zero A lt B result rdy zero lt result A sub operands B WAIT Waiting for n CALC Swapping a DONE Waiting for c B Now we ve wrote some RTL Simulate your RTL until it works Synopsys VCS vcs sim rtl Now give me some hardware gate level netlist aka Synthesize Synopsys Design Compiler dc syn Is my hardware correct Simulate your gate level netlist Synopsys VCS vcs sim gl syn I want a piece of silicon aka Place and Route Synopsys IC Compiler icc par Is my piece of silicon correct Simulate your place and routed gate level netlist You also need to record bit flipping information by doing this Synopsys VCS vcs sim gl par How much power does my circuit burn Synopsys PrimeTime pt pwr Process Technology Synopsys 90nm Educational Library You can use this library without NDA Be careful not to put stuff google accessible 1 POLY 9 METAL Standard Cells SRAM Cells No Memory Compiler but we built one for you OpenSparc MegaCells I O Pads Any Questions
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