9 10 14 kin 110 class notes Announcements o Kin club 9 10 Hasbrouck 134 Meeting topics Yearly topics 10 for the year 5 for semester Info about what the club does and why you would benefit in joining NEACSM Networking Relay for life Next meeting Sept 17th at 5 30 Mary ellen liseno from career services Quiz this week Based on reading on moode o Due Sunday sept 14th by 11 59 pm What constitutes a diet o Diet books o Weight loss Definition o The habitual pattern of eating o Diet is simply what you eat every day on average o Mixed diet PRO CHO and FAT o Vegan o Low carb diet o Vegetarian o Doesn t mean you eat the same thing every day it is the average Habitual pattern of eating o The average o Some days you may eat differently Overeat Hardly eat Eat nothing but oreos Feel guilty eat nothing but vegetables o Over the course of a week each day may be very different Suggestions to figure out what you should be eating o Choosemyplate gov o Mypyramid gov o www thesnackneutralizer com you can choose any food figure out the activity how much activity you need to do to neutralize what you ate did an example where you ate 7 large cookies it would take more than 300 minutes on a trampoline to completely burn them off o dairy farmers were mad that they weren t on the plate how may days needed to get an accurate pictures of habitual diet o Between 3 7 days is what dieticians will measure to get an idea of a person s average diet Different ways to measure diet o Programs o Weigh food o Track your own diet Meal snap Only a few dollars Figures out calories based on picture of what you ate Collecting diet information is an inexact science WHY o Because will lie change what they eat when they are being watched o It can also be hard to recall what you ate last night the night before o Many people believe data are Subjectivity Flawed science Look at data with a grain of salt Why is it important to accurately access diet o May determine relationships between what you eat health outcomes Does high fat cause heart disease o How would you figure this out o Identify people who get heart disease o Accurately measure amount of fat in diet o Compare who have lots of fat vs little fat in diet Graph of people who get heart disease vs dietary fat in diet o People who eat a lot of fat tend to get heart disease more than those who eat a little fat in their diet Other factors o Genetics o Age o Exercise o Type of fat being eaten o Smoking drinking risky behavior o Gender o Ethnicity o Surrounding area highly polluted etc Does ice cream sales cause murder o High positive correlation between ice cream sales and murders o Ice cream sales clearly don t cause murders o Correlation doesn t mean causation Difficult to design studies to get definitive data o Sharper picture of diet and health by looking over time o Young adults change in diet measure heart disease What would it take o Number of people Thousands o Duration of study Years o Provide food Strictly provided diets o Control for exercise amount other risky behaviors genetics o Cost LOTS of How do you actually do this o Study that answers a big question o Reasonable amount of time o Costs not that much o BIG QUESTION smaller answerable q s Break up big question into a series of small questions o Goal accumulate enough evidence to support refute your idea o Studies don t prove anything They simply provide evidence towards an idea Need many studies that support the same idea Takes a long time a lot of evidence One study could be completely different from another Study on oreos they claim that oreos improve performance o Clearly not valid o Who was involved in the test Men or women women Trained Tests o How many oreos did they eat o When did they eat o This was narrowed very quickly o Clearly not applicable to the entire population Take home messages o We don t know as much as we think we do o Definitive answers are very hard to come by o Science is constantly changing o Be wary of results from 1 study demand results from multiple studies We can t trust just 1
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