UMass Amherst KIN 110 - KIN110_Sept5_14

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9 5 kin 110 class notes Getting to know Jen o Graduate student 3rd year doctoral student o Was previously a TA for the class for 3 4 years o She studies glycemic control Significant for people with Type I diabetes o Loves cooking o loves music Goo goo dolls o Outdoorsy person o Went to Australia last semester for a few months o Camped in Utah last summer o Lives in Greenfield A tip for success in this class o Don t get bogged down in the details o What s the key point o How to take notes Writing down every word on the slide Paying attention to what I m saying and writing down key points You are what you eat o Yes or no poll Basics of energy metabolism o Metabolism sum of all life processes o Catabolism break down of polymers energy production o anabolism building up of polymers energy storage movement of energy between systems and conversion energy to different forms of energy is the basis for life 1st law of thermodynamics o energy can not be created or destroyed o But it can be changed o ex plants transfer the energy from the sun thermonuclear energy into chemical bond energy in order to grow sun o what is it made of Hydrogen and helium Plants o What are they made of Water Carbohydrates CHO Fiber Animals eat plants o What are they made of Protein Fat Water Little CHO Humans have similar composition to a cow o Protein fat water o Not much CHO Are approximately what you eat if you are eating a balanced diet o NOT what you eat if you are a vegetarian o Big point energy we need for survival physical activity etc comes from stored energy Measure chemical bond energy o Energy in food calories o Bomb calorimeter Small bucket inside a big bucket of water Burn the food in the small bucket Measure the temperature change of the water this can tell us how many calories it contained o 1 kcal 1 Calorie heat needed to raise 1 g of water by 1 degree Celsius Energy measured in kcals or Calories o Calories vs calories o Nutrition labels use Calories kcals The ice diet o 1 gram ice 120 160 calories not Calories o 1000 grams of ice 120 kcals o 1 kg 2 2 lbs of ice o would need to eat 60 lbs of ice to have a 1 lb difference on the scale o link to this article on moodle website Useful facts o Molecules that have chemical bond energy Calories are CHO PRO FAT alcohol o Water vitamins minerals pencil eraser and fiber contain no usable energy o People contain a range of calories 400 000 500 000 kcals Depends on fat Average person produces 1 kcal per minute o Equivalent to lightbulb Energy balance o Relationship between energy intake food and energy expenditure energy out o expend energy as ATP and heat energy in energy out o bird vs Hela monster lizard o bird expends lots of energy so it needs to consume a lot of energy o the lizard barely expends any energy it conserves energy all day just laying around o which is better To eat a lot and expend a lot Or eat hardly anything and expend very little energy It depends on the goal What do we mean by human performance o Athletic Strength Speed Endurance Flexibility Stamina o Goal best possible performance Health wellness o Health Homeostasis balance Movement Ability to do different things Limitations o Arthritis o Multiple sclerosis o Human performance in that context Maximize quantity of years alive Minimize risk of disease Maintain ideal BMI body image Highest quality of years alive o Different for everyone changes over time

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - KIN110_Sept5_14

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