Pitt PSY 0160 - Exam 1 Study Guide
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Personality Psychology Exam 1 Study Guide Lectures 1 5 Lecture 1 Who was Gordon Allport What is the definition of personality What are 3 aspects that it analyzes Describe necessary measures to perform a scientific observation What is systematic theory What are 3 considerations one might take in analyzing a theory Lecture 2 Fill in the blanks L O T S of data L data O data T data S data An example of biological data Sources measures of data Nomothetic data Idiographic data What are assessment tools What are 4 targeted areas of interest of assessment What is Validity What do the 5 terms to assess validity refer to Face Construct Predictive Criterion Discriminant Causality What is Reliability What do the 5 terms to assess reliability refer to Internal consistency Split half odd and even Alternate forms Test retest Inter rater What are the 3 types of non content responding What is forced choice format What are 3 types of Research Design Explain What is the MMPI 2 Lecture 3 Who is Sigmund Freud What were 4 areas he focused on Who was Brucke and what did he favor and why over the popular vitalism What are instincts drives and what are the life and death instincts called Who was Charcot and what was his technique of hypnosis Freud describes the mind as an energy system Describe what this means Who was Breuer and how did catharsis affect his patient Anna O What is catharsis What is manifest content of dreams What is latent content of dreams Lecture 4 Explain the iceberg model of the mind What is a Freudian slip What is free association What is transference What are projective tests What are 2 of them we learned in class called and how do they work What is the id and is it part of the unconscious preconscious or conscious What is the ego and is it part of the unconscious preconscious or conscious What is the superego and is it part of the unconscious preconscious or conscious What does anxiety derive from What are Defense Mechanisms Define each of the 8 we talked about in class Denial Repression Projection Rationalization Sublimation Displacement Isolation Reaction formation Lecture 5 What is a fixation Who are Neo Freudians Describe the 5 stages of Psychosexual Development and the crisis of each one Oral stage Anal stage Phallic stage Latency stage Genital stage Describe the 3 personality types that occur if one does NOT overcome the crises at each stage Describe the 8 stages of Erikson s Psychosocial Development theory Trust vs mistrust Autonomy vs shame and doubt Initiative vs guilt Industry vs inferiority Intimacy vs isolation Generativity vs stagnation Ego integrity vs despair Who was Alfred Adler and what was his theory Who was Carl Jung and what were his beliefs Who was Karen Horney and what was her theory Who was Harry Stack Sullivan and what was his theory

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