UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 11.8.13 kin 110 class notes

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11 8 13 kin 110 class notes In many sports low body fat is essential Pressures athletes to restrict meals or use other methods to maintain low body fat o Eating disorders as a strategy improve performance Ex Wrestlers runners gymnasts o Not just women There are many men s sports such as wrestling ski jumping etc that have athletes with eating disorders Patrick Bergstrom anorexia nervosa o Not typically considered a disease among males lacrosse athletes Eating disorder vs disordered eating o Disordered eating Abnormal eating patterns No real health consequences Quirky things Food can t touch Color Eating in alphabetical order Eating the exact same thing at the same time everyday o Eating disorder Long term eating patterns that detract from health Multiple factors of course contribute to development of eating disorder o Family issues o Media o Personality o Genetics o Societal pressure Anorexia nervosa unhealthful behaviors used to maintain BW below 85 of normal o 90 95 young girls women o 700 000 1 4 mil US women broad range don t really know o 5 20 of people diagnosed will die from complications of anorexia o generally a women s problem Characteristics of anorexia o Extremely restrictive eating patterns o Intense fear of weight o Unhealthy body image o Amenorrhea No menstrual periods for 3 months Health risk o Electrolyte imbalance o Cardiovascular loss of muscle Very bad May never regrow o Gastrointestinal atrophy villi Absorption problems o Bone mineral loss Bulemia nervosa o Binge eating followed o Binge eating large amount of food in very short period of time Thousands and thousands of calories o Purging vomiting fasting and laxatives o Hypergymnasia Excessive working out Compulsion People sign up at multiple gyms go everyday to each one for several hours 1 to 4 of women have or had bulimia o male female ratio 1 10 o 1 of bulimia patients will die form the disorder generally from electrolyte imbalance electrolyte imbalance o vomiting calcium potassium sodium heat rhythm o Gastrointestinal issues Lining of esophagus ulcers o Dental enamel is worn away gross Acid present in vomit Stomach contents pH of 2 Female athlete triad o Especially sports that emphasize low body fat or use subjective scoring o HOT TOPIC o Controversy what is event does it lead to osteoporosis Triad o Three things disordered eating menstrual dysfunction osteoporosis o Most people think it starts with eating then amenhorrea then osteoporosis o Difficult to get bone mineral back o How true is this Controversy o Effects on menstrual cycle can be serious low estrogen bone mineral loss o Likely that loss of bone mineral osteoporosis Why do athletes with triad stop producing estrogen amenhorrea o Direct effect of low fat How to test that o Low Body fat itself is not the cause o Cutting back exercise will restore menstration What happened o When women got enough food to balance hard exercise restored their estrogen menstration Successful treatment team o Person with the ED Physician Psychologist Nutritional counseling Friends roommates etc Resources on campus

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 11.8.13 kin 110 class notes

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