UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 11.1.13 kin 110 class notes

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Kin lecture 11 1 13 News football players needing emergency surgery during the middle of their workout o What was it Very intense exercise Hot weather Restricted access to water Creatine supplements o Hard exercise can damage muscle fibers Especially eccentric exercise o Muscle lengthens while the individual sarcomere contract Damage to muscle leads to inflammation response that causes damage Ryabdomyolysis o Brown red urine o Membranes of muscle cells rupture Release proteins into the blood o Myoglobin Released into the blood and filtered by the kidney o Creatine kinase Measures muscle damage o Tells you nothing about how much creatine there is Creatine isn t apart of creatine kinase there IS not creatine Doesn t tell you anything about protein CK is the enzyme that catalyzes ADP CP ATP creatine Creatine supplements have no relationship with CK o In extreme case kidney failure o What happens Muscle swells and pressure increases Perimysium can accommodate about 20 increase in muscle size After that swelling increases pressure which leads to constricting blood flow as well as nerve pain it pinches on nerves Swelling and pain can become intense compartment syndrome Pressure on blood vessels can cut off flow of oxygen muscle cells can die o Treatment Surgery to cut into the perimysium Large incisions Retract skin Slice into the perimysium for the muscle to expand and relieve the pressure Hot weather o Dehydration o Restricted access to water Less blood flow Less ability to clear toxins Less proteins o Kidney problems filtering protein Creatine supplements o Muscles retain H2O can lead to swelling o It can make you work harder potential muscle damage o If people take creatine supplements it MAY have contributed to Ryabdomyolysis What is the bottom line o Excessive exercise is the main reason not accustomed to very hard exercise and push them beyond their limitations o Hot weather a little o Restricted fluids a little o Creatine supplements a little

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 11.1.13 kin 110 class notes

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