UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 10.25.13 Kin 110 class notes

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10 25 13 Kin 110 class notes Critical window o Recent evidence that consuming more PRO post exercise causes MORE protein synthesis more muscle growth maybe o Also evidence that PRO high in greater PRO synthesis whey For example whey vs casein Good evidence Whey contains more leucine Leucine causes synthesis If you just give leucine it doesn t work CSI Amherst o Case study Distance swimmer Flew to middle east for competition Came to a tragic end All swimmers crossed finish line except amer Swimmer 400 m from the finish Fran Crippen 26 yrs old 19 yrs competitive swimming competitor it was hot air temp 100 degrees farenheit water temp 85 degrees very warm few ways to cool body o radiation heat coming off body o evaporation sweating o conduction heat exchange when air water in contact with body Exercise o How does cooling process affect hydration Body fluids help regulate temperature o 98 6 o sweating releases heat Evaporation of water cools skin o temp of core remains stable sweat evaporates and cools skin in sedentary people most fluid losses are as urine o water lost through respiration but its minor o in active people majority of water loss is sweat sweat losses are high in hot weather o athletes don t adapt by sweating they actually sweat more o why This is because it controls body temp helps keep the body cooler o trade off between water loss and core temp o more import To stay cool than to lose fluids o maintain core temp sedentary person loses L day in sweat o during exercise sweat 1 2 5 L per hour depending on the temp humidity 17 oz o Hot dry lose a lot of water in sweat Replacing water losses is critical Signs of dehydration at about 2 loss of body water o 4 potentially heat exhaustion stroke o running performance vs dehydration o more dehydrated worse performance is cooling dif in swimmers o Which mechanism Evaportation Conduction People rarely overheat when swimming Was Fran the only one Fran s sister o Former Olympic swimmer o He wasn t unprepared for this Michael sabala o Trained with him o Said he would use somewhere between 10 15 packs of GU during typical 2 hour swim Whats in GU o Caffeine o 350 mg 525 mg caffeine total 10 15 packs o this is about 3 4 16 oz coffees not a crazy amount o did caffeine play a role Caffeine o Increases use of fatty acids for energy o Raises body temp a bit o Lowers production of ADH antidiuretic hormone conserves water Cause u to lose more water o Stimulate raises body temp slightly sim To alcohol o May play a role in heat exhaustion What brough Fran to his end o Caffeine over dose No o Dehydration Possibly o Heat exhaustion Possibly o Fluid balance Sweating Replenishing fluid Fluid replacement during exercise o During hard exercise difficult to completely replace fluid losses o Recommend replacing o If losing 2 L water hr goal to drink 1 L hour Replace water losses before dehydrated seriously o How o Pre exercise start out with adequate fluid o Fluid intake adequate in 24 hours before exercise o Adequate Color of urine indicates level of hydration o Target very light color o Dark too dehydrated Intermittent exercise rest periods easier to replace fluid losses o Example tennis football baseball softball etc o Sports that aren t intermittent soccer lacrosse hockey How do you know if you re hydrated o Track fluid intake and drink enough to match estimated losses o Tools waterbottle that keeps track of how much you are consuming Body weight o Pre and post o Drink pint of fluid for each pound o Water only nutrient that needs replacing What about electrolytes Is it possible to drink too much water

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 10.25.13 Kin 110 class notes

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