UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 10.16.13 kin 110 class notes

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10 16 13 kin 110 class notes What do these photos have in common o What it feels like when you run out of CHO o Cant take another step What determines the ratio of CHO to fat used during exercise o 1 Intensity o 2 Duration o 3 Genetics gender o 4 Environment o 5 Diet and Supplements energy from CHO vs increasing intensity of exercise vs of energy from fat o as exercise gets more intense of CHO goes up o makes an x on the graph instead of increasing intensity change to increasing duration of exercise o as exercise gets longer energy from fat increases slightly never more than 30 35 Why does energy from CHO go down as exercise is longer in duration o Rate of glycogen use vs amount of glycogen remaining As rate increases amount remaining decreases As exercise progresses use of glycogen for energy declines o Has an effect on ability to maintain high intensity o When very low it is difficult to maintain intensity o How does that make you feel Can t maintain exercise intensity Trade off between intensity and duration o High intensity fast hard a lot of glycogen duration is low o low intensity slow easy little glycogen use hours Can you improve ability to conserve glycogen and use other fuels o Glycogen and use other fuels o fat protein Inverse relationship between CHO and FAT use o CHO Glycogen glucose pyruvate acetyl CoA Glycolysis Oxidative o FAT Triglyceride Fatty acid Fatty acetyl CoA Acetyl CoA o Acetyl CoA ATP and carbon dioxide and water Endurance training o Increase ability to oxidize fat as an energy source Why training increases o Capillaries in the muscle o Mitochondria a lot more in the cells Use more fat for energy Gender o Compared with men women use more fat as an energy source Men 70 VO2 max women 70 VO2 max o WHY Women have more fat no not the case Has to do with sex hormones Young healthy women in 3 situations o Estrogen progesterone o Very low estrogen very low progesterone o High estrogen from patches low progesterone o Both high Estrogen was very important o Shifted toward more fat use o Adding progesterone Reverese that effect o Graph Young men 3 levels of testosterone o Made no difference on fat CHO use Diet o Low CHO does shift to more use of fat during exercise o Only measurable at low intensity o 60 maximal capacity no difference Caffeine increases mobilization o TG FA o More fat use for energy Caffeine is performance enhancement drug o Compared to placebo used less CHO Caffeine can enhance performance BUT o Caffeine na ve o Need to be new to it o Diuretic dehydration

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 10.16.13 kin 110 class notes

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