UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 9.23.13 Kin 110 class notes

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9 23 13 Kin 110 class notes To maintain exercise performance why do you need to feed your liver Gumball machine human example o Quarters CP ATP o 1 Glycogen Glucose o 100 o Visa Immediate energy systems o ATP ADP Pi o know what ATP looks like o Creatine Phosphate or CP rolls of quarters Can extract quickly but not as fast as a single quarter aka ATP CP ADP ATP o Quick local limited 8 12 seconds of exercise Run about 100 meters if you re pretty fast o CHO use regenerates Stored glucose available to produce ATP o Glycolysis Glucose 2 molecules of pyruvate 3 carbon Releases 2 ATP NON Oxidative glycolysis pyruvate to lactate lactic acid o 2 ppyruvate 2 lactate Alternative Oxidative Glycolysis o First part the same Glucose pyruvate 2 ATP But pyruvate sent to muscle fiber mitochondria powerhouse of the cell Endosymbiotic theory by Lynn Margulis o 1967 paper The Origin of Mitosing Eukaryotic Cells o Mitochondria were colonized used to be free living organisms o Free room and board in exchange for energy In mitochondria o Pyruvate broken down using oxygen to CO2 carbon dioxide and H2O water Oxidative glycolysis releases 30 36 ATP o More than 2 non oxidative glycolysis o Disadvantages Need oxygen Slower process Pyruvate mitochondria break down to smaller pieces acetyl CoA Krebs cycle ETS electron transport system Breakdown of glucose like a dollar o That can be broken down down to release quarters glucose to be spent o Greater capacity to store energy Where is glucose stored o 1 Glycogen about 300 g in muscle o repeating glucose units o many branches starch also alpha bonds but few branches o why do plants store energy as starch Enzymes release glucose from the ends o This is good because animals have higher energy expenditure than plants o Plants never have to produce energy quickly Glycogen only source of CHO energy o 5 g 20 kcal o 2 Blood glucose o not used much by most tissues o mainly reserved for brain blood glucose doesn t last long o 20 mins at rest o 2 mins during hard exercise o muscle is also using glucose selfish organ keeps it for itself competing with brain o keep enough in blood so brain is happy 3 Liver glycogen 60 100 g o breakdown of liver in glycogen replaces glucose in blood o maintains normal blood glucose including during exercise o important dietary target muscle o has its own glycogen in muscle blood glucose pyruvate glycolysis nonoxidative glycolysis lactate 2 ATP oxidative glycolysis in mitochondria carbon dioxide and water and 36 ATP liver has glycogen that it breaks down to glucose and puts it in the blood

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 9.23.13 Kin 110 class notes

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