UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 9.6.13 Kin 110 lecture notes

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9 6 13 Kin 110 lecture notes Answer lecture questions YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT o Is that true Basics of energy metabolism o Metabolism sum of all life processes o Catabolism breaking down molecules polymers energy production o anabolism building up of muscles polymers from smaller units energy storage anabolic steroids make you huge Movement of energy between systems and conversion of energy from one form to another is the basis for life o If you want to define life philosophical question energy moving between systems alive no energy not alive 1st law of thermodynamics o energy cannot be created or destroyed o But it can be converted to different forms o E g for example i e that is o Example the conversion of thermonuclear energy to chemical bond energy The Sun plants o sun Hydrogen Helium No carb no protein no fat no vitamins no minerals no water o All of the energy from the sun that are in green plants are in different forms o Plants Some fat Lots of carbs Some protein fat Lots of water Plants animals o Plants Carbs little fat little proteins o Animals Protein Less water Much more fat Carbs very little Plants animals humans o Lots of overlap with animals humans o Little overlap with plants humans o Humans Similar to composition to cow Carbs You are approximately what you eat if you eat nothing but meat o Unless you are a vegetarian then you Aren t o Body composition isn t related to what you eat o Vegans would look much different o Key points All energy for survival growth physical activity is coming from chemical bond energy that is stored A lot of traditional wisdom is actually not true Measure chemical bond energy o Energy in food o Calorimetry Measuring calories Done in bomb calorimeter Combusts the item energy released as heat raises surrounding water measure temp change calculate how much heat is released Where info comes from on nutrition labels Kilocalories capital C Calories o Why does this matter o Need to use the correct units o 80 calories of body heat is required to melt snow not 80 kilocalories useful facts o 1 Molecules that actually contain useful chemical bond energy Calories are fats carbohydrates ethanol and protein Nothing else contains calories water pencil erasers etc can t be used by body Can be used for physical activity growth repair o 2 People contain 50 000 350 000 kcals depending on body fat to a great extent o 3 Average person is producing 1 kcal of energy in the form of heat per minute to about a 100 watt lightbulb explains why when you come into class the room is cooler than when you leave relationship between energy in take food beverages and energy output expenditure useful energy heat is called energy balance o Food on one side expenditure on the other o Relationship determines your weight Energy in energy out no change in weight o Many ways to be in energy balance o Output high input high Like the bird High body temperature o Low output low intake Gilla monster Doesn t change weight Someone extracted one of the proteins from their venom used in type II diabetic treatment Better to maintain energy balance by matching low intake with low output or high intake with high output o Doesn t matter in terms of body weight o What does better mean Depends o What are you trying to accomplish o If you don t know what you are trying to accomplish then it depends What do we mean by human performance o Athletic performance One event one season whole career o Goal best possible performance Health Wellness o Lifespan o Vitality health o Not getting diseases

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 9.6.13 Kin 110 lecture notes

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