Pitt PSY 0160 - Psychoanalysis
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Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture Steps of Research Define Measure assess Predict Apply L O T S data Life record data Observer data Test data Self report data Biological data Sources of data Nomothetic Idiographic Assessment tools Targets areas of interest of assessment Average behavior Variability in behavior Conscious and unconscious thought Important aspects of measurement Validity Reliability Response sets non content responding Acquiescence These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Extreme responding Social desirability Forced choice format Research design Case study Correlational Experimental Personality assessment in Clinical practice MMPI 2 Outline of Current Lecture Sigmund Freud View of humans Focus on sexual and aggressive urges Structure of the mind Psychosexual stages Freud theory influence Brucke Favor biology instead of vitalism Instincts Drives Life instinct libido Death instinct thanatos Influences on Freud Charcot Salpetriere Women s Asylum Hypnosis Suggestibility Unconscious mind Free association Mind as Energy System Energy in mind can be blocked from expression Homeostatic goal Influences on Freud Breuer Free association under hypnosis Catharsis Anna O Freud history Psychoanalysis 1900 Interpretation of dreams 1901 Psychopathology of Everyday life Iceberg model of mind Freudian slips Exploring the Unconscious Free association Dream analysis Transference Current Lecture Sigmund Freud 1865 1939 Father of modern psychology Wanted to be a researcher but couldn t because of restriction on Jews so he went into medicine instead to earn a living Developed Psychoanalytic theory very first personality theory o Being first to do psychotherapy psychoanalysis o Revolutionary at the time it was developed in Victoria era because subject matter he talked about was shocking controversial Born in Maravia part of Czech lived in Austria View of humans o Before Freud humans good and were corrupted by society o Freud as infants born with sexual aggressive urges and its societies job to curve the urges sexual and aggressive urges are inborn part of human nature and humans from inside are automatically driven to seek pleasurable gratification Focus on sexual and aggressive urges event in young children infants Structure of the mind conceptual way to understand how mind works based on 3 major structure id ego superego o How people develop personalities in unhealthy vs healthy way highly dependent on how their mind functions and how structures interact with each other Psychosexual stages how people develop develop psychological symptoms or not everyone goes through series of psychosexual stages o o Emphasizes importance of early experience in shaping personality Personalities don t change much after adolescence without a lot of work Freud theory Influences Brucke Colleague after Freud finished degree was his professor in school Favored biology instead of vitalism life arose from soul soul spirit animated body o Brucke thought biology was responsible for bringing life into the organism body o Rejecting vitalism view at the time o Freuds theory has a lot to do with biology Freud states of excitation in body instincts or drives are source of psychic mental energy o links mind to body contemporary view of human body at the time didn t agree this is new concept Instincts Drives Born with them instinctual Seek expression so that get tension reduction Life instinct libido o Have instinct of preservation reproduction of organism o Sexual drive part of it is overall life instinct Death instinct thanatos o Reflects thinking of time Victorian era o The aim of the organism is also to die return to inorganic state Life and death instinct coexist but libido should be stronger than thanatos instinct Influences on Freud Charcot Worked with him in France at Salpetriere Women s Asylum Used hypnosis using power of suggestion to put patients into trance o Charcot noticed that these women patients with unusual symptoms symptoms went away when under hypnosis temporarily o Based on suggestibility person under hypnosis has to be willing to do that hypnotherapist suggests things Charcot thought symptoms were part of unconscious mind Free association patient says whatever comes to mind to try and get sense of what goes on in mind Mind as Energy System Freudian idea Human mind like an energy system biological view body and mind are machine like o Mind gets energy from body o Physical energies of body are what fuels psychic energies of mind o Contents of mind do things have energies have instincts drives that cause tension and increase energy within mind o Mind releases energy Limited amount of mental energy o Once use it up it has to be replenished o If you use part of mental energy to do something else you don t have it at your disposal to use it for other things o Ex Worry about money in college among other worries constantly thinking about it prevents you from attending to other things so have to put it aside Worrying about something takes up certain amount of mental energy Energy in mind can be blocked from expression o If someone sees something does something embarrassing sees something traumatic and cant deal with emotions that come with it they can block it o Consciously or unconsciously o If block something from awareness it doesn t go away but it is expressed in some other way comes up from depths unexpectedly crying randomly in response to something negative results Homeostatic goal o Mind tries to reach balance goal of all behavior is pleasure resulting from reduction of tension by release of energy o Find way to release mental energy from traumatic experience sexual aggressive urges etc aggression essential to reach homeostatic goal Influences Breuer Free association under hypnosis Suggested that some symptoms patients had were related to earlier trauma Catharsis emotional release person experiences if theyre able to remember previous trauma they blocked from conscious awareness o Breuer discovered this o If individual could express release blocked mental energy emotion through catharsis by talking about it and re experiencing experience under hypnosis that they felt better symptoms went away Anna O o Patient of Breuer o 1880 at age of 21 illness onset o Had hysteria called conversion disorder today See happening to people exposed to intense trauma Symptoms of paralysis of right half of

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