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Chapter 1 The Communication Process Strategic Flexibility SF Expanding your communication repertoire to allow you to use the most suitable skills behavior for a particular situation Important aspect of jointly created messages The ability to change messages so as to increase the chances of obtaining the desired result is exactly what SF is all about It s power lies in its application The text provides a six step process that will help you tap into your SF need to confront them situations you find yourself in affect your skills abilities likely have the greatest impact on the situation 1 Anticipate think about potential situations and what you may 2 Assess Be alert observe the factors elements conditions of the 3 Evaluate Determine the value of said factors etc and how they 4 Select Choose skills behaviors from your repertoire that will 5 Apply Apply the selected skills 6 Re assess and reevaluate Every action has a reaction Continue to assess and reevaluate to anticipate these consequences Communication Any process in which people use symbols to generate meanings within and across various contexts cultures channels and media This can occur verbally or non verbally consciously or not consciously intentionally or unintentionally Elements of Communication Sender receivers messages channels noise feedback and setting Senders Receivers SRs partake in communication because they have info ideas and feelings they want to share Comm is not a one way process though so most individuals involved are considered sender receivers because they both send and receive at the same time o Example from text When you are discussing a problem with a friend your friend may be talking but by listening closely you are acting as a receiver By paying careful attention putting your hand on his or her arm and showing genuine concern you are sending as many messages as you get even though you may not say a word Second in all situations sender receivers share meaning In your discussion with a close friend both of you share the language and also share understanding of the situation Message This is made up of the ideas and feelings that sender receivers want to share Remember meaning is jointly created There is no message if there aren t common symbols such as an understanding of each other s language o Ideas and feelings can only be communicated if they are represented by symbols Types of symbols verbal eg words concrete eg words like chair with an undisputable meaning abstract words with varying complex meanings eg hurt home hungry non verbal eg the middle finger the color black as a representation of mourning a yawn etc Channels The route traveled by a message i e the means a message uses to reach the sender receivers o Eg In face 2 face communication the main channels are sound sight o Other channels communicate non verbal messages For instance a handshake touch dress sight respectful voice language sound Feedback The way sender receivers respond to each other For instance a smile in response to a joke Important b c it indicates whether our messages have been shared the way we intended Noise Interference occurring btwn sender receivers that keeps a message from being understood or accurately interpreted o Comes in three forms external internal and semantic External Comes from the environment Eg not just loud sounds anything that makes it hard to concentrate etc Internal Occurs in the minds of the SRs when they re focused on something else or as a result of pre existing beliefs prejudices Semantic Caused by emotional reactions to words Eg tuning someone out who uses profanity Setting The environment in which the communication occurs can have a significant influence on the communication Explain the three principles of transactional communication A communication transaction involves not only the physical act of communicating but also a psychological act Impressions are being formed in the minds of the people who are communicating What people think and know about one another directly affects their communication Transactional Communication involves three important principles 1 Participation is continuous and simultaneous a Even when you re not talking you are actively involved in sending receiving messages 2 All communications have a past present and future a Our experiences moods and expectations affect how we respond to situations interpret meaning 3 All communicators play roles a Roles parts you play or ways you behave with others defined by society Eg the roles of student vs teacher Explain the types of communication Small Group Communication Occurs when a small number of ppl Intrapersonal Communication language use thoughts that occur within you the communicator It involves your active internal involvement in the symbolic processing of messages You are your own sender and receiver and you provide your own feedback Interpersonal Communication One on one communication usually in an informal unstructured setting Usually involves 2 people can include more meet to solve a problem Group must be small enough so that each member can interact with all other members Computer Mediated Communication CMC A wide range of technologies that facilitate human comm and the interactive sharing of information thru computer networks eg email discussion groups chats etc This is really just about the various channels that can be used Public Communication When the sender receiver speaker send a message a speech to an audience Usually very structured Channels used to deliver msg are more exaggerated louder voice etc Intercultural Communication Occurs when ppl from diff cultures interact Explain Ethical Communication Communication that is honest fair and considerate of others rights This is a component of all six types of communication Chapter 2 Self Perception and Communication Define self concept and perception What are the limitations that your self concept places on your behavioral possibilities Self Concept How you think feel about yourself Perception How you look at others the world around you o How you look at the world depends on what you think of yourself and what you think of yourself will influence how you look at the world Eg may affect risk taking b c it can lead you to think of o Self concept places limits on your behavioral possibilities some experiences as unthinkable or impossible you perceive the world in ways that align w your self concept e g a Bangladeshi woman s self concept may be determined by the role

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FSU SPC 1017 - Chapter 1: The Communication Process

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