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Verbal Communiation I Role of Verbal Communication in Communicating Effectively and Strategic Flexibility a Communicating Effectively i How you acquired ability to use words depends on three factors 1 Native architecture a Genetic ability to formulate language b Inborn language transmission c Language acquisition device 2 Cognitive development Involves mental imagery a b Ability to organize and store information 3 Environmental Influences a You growing up b How things were explained to you and what things b Strategic Flexibility i Sapir Whorf Hypothesis meant 1 Language allows us to better understand the world and articulate what it is we are thinking or feeling a Think about explaining how you feel using words you know 2 The better understanding you have of verbal communication and the more words you have at your disposal the more complete will be your ability to think about and view world around you II How Words Work a When you say a word you are representing something i Either a concrete object 1 a tree ii Or an idea 1 peace b Denotative meaning i A word that stands for concrete and emotionally neutral thing 1 such as mailbox ii Means the dictionary definition c Connotative meaning i Words that stand for abstract concept that evoke strong feelings 1 peace and love ii Has feeling or associations each individual carries with the word d Ladder of abstraction i Continuum categorizing words from completely abstract to concrete ii Useful for communicating effectively 1 removes abstractions and allows you to better reveal abstract language e Words influence are way of seeing the world i Example of author writing about family member dying in electric chair People Determine Meanings a Meaning are determined by people not words b Connotative meanings of words can change with our life and experience i Connotation of love as you establish new relationships The Language Environment a Language must be environmentally appropriate or it will not make sense b People Purposes and Rules i Language environment made up of four elements III IV 1 People 2 Purpose 3 Rules of communication 4 Actual talk used in situation ii Ritual languages 1 takes place in environments where a conventionalized response is expected of you 2 Greetings are a ritual a You briefly respond to someone rituals determined by culture and society 3 c Appropriate Language i We have knowledge or learned notions about what is inappropriate to use in conversation racial slurs insulting appearance or behavior 1 2 3 blasphemous words 4 aggressive words shut up ii Euphemism iii Double speak 1 an inoffensive word or phrase that is substituted for other words that might be perceived as unpleasant a When someone dies you say passed away b Politically correct 2 substitutions for unpleasant words 1 words deliberately constructed for political purposes 2 exact same as euphemism except two things a double speak does not always relate with unpleasant words b double speak always relates to a political agenda 3 Example collateral damage is double speak for casualties of war d Specialization i Specialized language 1 language particular to field setting or occupation ii Roles determine are language specialization How we talk 1 we are constantly shifting roles the way we talk to mom a b slang with our friends V Style Roles and Group Memberships a Neither language or though can be viewed in isolation i You are what you say because language is the method of conveying thought b Style i ii Roles can influence are style iii We have preferences in the way we talk c Gender and Language Is the result of the way you select and arrange words and sentences i Men respond to more scientific mathematical informative straight to the point approaches ii Women respond to more anecdotes metaphors and story telling iii Rapport talk 1 generally used by women 2 designed to lead to intimacy with others match experiences and establish relationships iv Report Talk 1 generally used by men 2 speaks goal is to maintain status demonstrate knowledge keep center stage v Different gender styles leads to difficult communication among genders vi Example Woman tells husband a man insulted her 1 man would want to find a solution beating him up 2 women want empathy the man to console her vii Women use more questions and justifiers viii Men more likely to interrupt or be demanding d Powerful talk i Talk that comes directly to the point ii Does not use hesitation or qualification iii Non existence of certain communication behaviors 1 Hedges and qualifiers a 2 Hesitation I guess and kind of a Uh and you know 3 Tag questions a Comments that start as statements but end as questions It would be nice to go on a picnic wouldn t it b iv Use active rather than passive language 1 The boy hit the ball Active 2 The ball was hit by the boy Passive e Culture and Language i Direct translations are sometimes difficult and can alter meaning of the message 1 The Nova car ii Dialect a Means doesn t go in Spanish direct translation 1 habitual language of a community 2 unique grammatical structures words and figures of 3 speech Imagine Spanish learned in a classroom compared to the normal slang and pronunciations in Colombia 4 Dialect is appropriate win a group with a strong ethnic 5 Dialects portray certain ideas British dialect could be seen identity as intelligent iii Speaking and Writing 1 Speaking and writing are different because communication is always going on and you can adjust what you say according to response of listener 2 Paralanguage a Vocal cues or the way you say your words b Non verbal component 3 Meaning can be influenced by pitch rate volume how often you pause 4 Writing is more careful more complex words can be used and can be revised VI Working on Your Communication a What do you want to say i Make sure you relate to who you are speaking understand their emotions and understanding of the words to better choose what words you use b How do you want to say it i Clarity 1 that aspect or characteristic of style by means of which a thought is presented that is immediately understood depending on the precision and simplicity of the language important when little opportunity for feedback a Language so specialized it is inappropriate to use outside field where it origincated 2 3 Jargon 4 Slang a Language that is not clear to everyone 5 Use complicated words only when they help make your meaning more clear ii Vividness 1 aspect or characteristic of style by which a thought is so presented

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FSU SPC 1017 - Lecture notes

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