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SPC 1017 Fundamentals of Speech Summer C 2015 Exam I Study Guide Textbook Items for exam taken from Communicating Effectively 11th Edition by Hybels Weaver 1 Chapter 1 The Communication Process 1 Define strategic flexibility and explain where its power lies strategic flexibility provides a foundation for growth development and change expanding your communication repertoire your collection of communication behaviors that can readily be brought into use to enable you to use the best skill or behavior available for a particular situation important aspect of jointly created messages ability to change messages in ways that will increase your chances of obtaining a desired result the need to change to suit different people underlies the importance of SF in communication quality of great leaders they are aware of their communication skills deficits AND can bear and bring on any situation they encounter from their ability to adapt their broad range of valuable behaviors creativity walking in parking garage alone at night understand your risks POWER LIES IN APPLICATION 1 anticipate think about potential situations foreshadow them 2 assess be alert aware of various factors elements conditions of the situations you find yourself in 3 evaluate determine the value worth of and how they bear on your own skills accuracy 4 select carefully select from your skills those likely to have the greatest impact on situations 5 apply key is relevance 6 reassess and reevaluate observe feedback and grow from it weather man says it will rain so bring an umbrella 2 Define communication and explain the elements of communication communication any process in which people through the use of symbols verbally and or nonverbally consciously or unconsciously intentionally or unintentionally generate meanings information ideas feelings and perceptions within and across various contexts cultures channels and media Communication is constantly changing Elements of communication sender receivers messages channels noise feedback and setting sender receivers people both send and receive at the same time in all situations senders receivers share meaning talking with a close friend both of you share the language and share understanding of a situation message made up of the ideas and feelings that sender receivers want to share friend message dealt with what happened to him her my message one of comfort and support meaning is JOINTLY created between sender and receiver no message at all if there aren t common symbols like an understanding of each other s language more than common symbols and common referents presence can have a powerful emotional intellectual etc effect just being in that special person s presence is important in the message feedback situation symbols represent ideas and feelings something that stands for something else 2 types a verbal symbols stand for particular things and ideas limited complicated words in a language ex use the word chair we agree we are talking about something we sit on therefore chair a concrete symbol a symbol that represents an object although can have great variety abstract symbols stand for ideas different meanings for home hungry hurt how we understanding their meaning is based on experiences varies greatly c nonverbal symbols ways we communicate without using words like facial expressions posture vocal tones appearance we attach meaning to them and they can be misleading we cannot control most of our nonverbal behavior messages differ from one culture to another over 90 of the messages sent received by Americans are nonverbal 2 channels the route traveled by a message means a message uses to reach the sender receivers face to face communication primary channels are sound and sight we look and listen to each other also include radio TV newspapers mass media also seen in nonverbal communication a strong handshake respectful voice appropriate clothing The senses are the channels through which we send messages feedback the response of the receiver senders to each other you tell a joke I smile feedback linked with strategic flexibility look at 1 lets the participants see whether ideas and feelings are being shared in the way intended be wary of sensory acuity truly paying attention to all elements in the communication environment often feedback is limited because we are planning what we are going to say next Noise interference that keeps a message from being understood or accurately interpreted b w senders receivers and has 3 forms external internal semantic a external noise comes from the environment prevents message from being understood b internal noise occurs in the minds of the senders receivers when their thoughts or feelings are focused on something other than the communication at hand can be thinking about something else or stem from beliefs or prejudices man doesn t do task assigned by female boss because he doesn t believe she should be manager he misses part of her message c semantic noise caused by people s emotional reaction to words tune out curse words Setting environment in which the communication occurs auditorium big speech vs intimate conversation smaller room communication can change when the setting changes often shows who has power in the relationship meeting in the Principals office arrangement of furniture can affect the communication that takes place lounge chairs vs desks want a relationship to carry on in the future You do things to make sure it does respond based on your own experiences own moods and own expectations You know your friend doesn t actually want the salad she ordered someone s name triggers bad don t have to be actively talking to send receive messages lost and worried in NYC look for specific people who aren t in a hurry create visual image of your 3 Explain the three principles of transactional communication 1 People engaged in communication are sending messages continuously and simultaneously destined path 2 Communication events have a past present and future memories 3 Participants in communication play certain roles relationships and control everything 4 Explain the types of communication synchronous communication talk that occurs at the same time with no delay can be one to one one to a few one to many or many to one Ex instant messaging asynchronous communication does not occur at the same time Ex email Most communication b w people on Roles can evolve in a relationship vary with moods setting and noise Roles may be perceived

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FSU SPC 1017 - Chapter 1: The Communication Process

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