SPC 1017 Communication an process in which people though the use of symbols verbal and nonverbal conscious or not conscious intentional or not intentional general meanings information ideals feelings perceptions within and across various contexts cultures channels and media no beginning or ending continuous 67093 of communication is nonverbal You cannot not communication everything you do is a form of communication all senses incorporated Things that impede communication psychological noise thought in head technology distractions real life noise external semantic noise emotional response to words used Contexts of Communication Public address rhetoric public speaking Mass communication Organizational large group communication Small group 3 12 people Interpersonal Intrapersonal within yourself Communication as a transaction 1 all communication has a past present future 2 Participation in communication is continuous and simultaneous 3 All communicators play roles Self concept 1 Reflected appraisals looking for approval mostly women perception of self 2 Social comparisons mostly men a Upward compare ourselves to someone better b Downward compare to someone lower to make yourself feel better 3 Self perception how you see yourself a Based on life experiences Preparing for a speech 1 Selecting and narrowing the topic 2 Your purpose general specific central idea 3 Analyzing tour audience knowledge attitudes beliefs demographics 4 Analyzing the occasion time place channels Researching 1 Where do I start 2 3 What kind of material am I looking for Interviews databases library internet citing the sources a Comparison contrast definitions examples statistics testimony polls Organizing and Outlining the Speech 1 Relate all pints to your specific purpose and central idea 2 Distinguish between main and minor points 3 Phrase points in full sentences The Outline of a Speech I The Speech Introduction tell them what you re gonna tell them can be written word for word A Grab attention with humor and example refer to the occasion show subject Patterns of Organization 1 Time order 2 Spatial order 3 Cause and effect 4 Problem solution importance B Tell audience your topic C Preview your points 3 5 D Transition into the body of the speech II Body of Speech tell your message A Major Pints 1 Minor points 2 Transition after each point III Conclusion tell them what you told them A Summarize your main points B Include a quote re engage the audience C Inspire your audience to action IV The reference list Speech Delivery Coping with Speech Anxiety 1 Be prepared 2 Be positive 3 Visualize 4 Anticipate problems 5 Focus not on yourself 6 Gain experience Comfortable clothes ask to go first deep breathe audience made of people you like move around pick out friendly faces give yourself a reward Characteristics of Good Delivery 1 Conversation quality not stiff 2 Attentiveness focus on moment 3 4 Direct natural and straight forward Immediacy focus on situation adapting Types of Speech Delivery Impromptu 1 2 Speaking form a manuscript 3 Speaking form memory 4 Extemporaneous speaking How you look 1 Appearance 2 Body language before an dafter 3 Eye contact 4 Facial expressions 5 Gestures 6 Posture How you Sounds 1 Volume 2 Using a microphone 3 Pace 4 Pitch and inflection 5 Enunciation Visual Aides 1 Use to supplement no replace 2 Show visual aid only when you are ready for it 3 Check to see if it can be displayed and seen 4 Practice with the visual aid 5 Talk to the audience not the visual aid The Informative Speech Goals 1 Increase understanding a Language choice b Organization c Illustrations and examples 2 Get attentions a Make relevant b Make current 3 Hel retention a Expels b Visual supports c Memory and emotion are linked Strategies 1 Defining entomology examples comparison and contracts 2 Describing sixe quantity shape weight color composition 3 Explaining connect the unknown with the known repeat and reinforce Building Interest for your Topic 1 Build curiosity 2 Present anecdotes 3 Build anticipation 4 Build suspense 5 Content evidence immediacy Get listeners involved 1 Chose a topic inherently interesting 2 Select examples and experiences relevant to the audience 3 Simple organizational scheme 4 5 Get audience to participate 6 Ask rhetorical questions 7 Ask for question from the audience Incorporate transitions Intercultural Communication Culture the ever changing values traditions social and political relationships and worldview created and shared by a group of people bound together by a combination of factors which can include a common history geographic location language social class and or religion Cultural Identity ethnicity culture gender age life stage beiges values and assumptions the degree to which you identity with your culture determined by the values you support Co Culture represents non whites women people with disabilities LGBTQ and those in lower social classes who have specific patterns of behavior that set them off from other groups within the larger culture 1 Cultural identities are learned 2 Cultural identities vary in strength 3 Cultural identities vary n their content The Importance of Studying Intercultural Communication 1 Understanding your own identity 2 Enhances personal and social interactions 3 Solves misunderstandings miscommunications and mistrusts 4 Enhances and enriches the quality of civilization 5 Helps us become effective citizens of our national communities Studying Cultural Differences Individualism vs Collectivist working for self good or the greater good 1 Power Distance separation of the masses from power 2 3 Femininity vs Masculinity gender roles in society 4 Uncertainty Avoidance trying to figure out all variables 5 Long term orientation working towards long term goals Barriers to Intercultural Communications Ethnocentrism judging other cultures based on your own preconceptions Stereotyping assuming all people of one culture kind are a certain way Prejudice bias again one group of people Discrimination unjust unequal treatment of people based on race gender etc Dealing with Barriers to Intercultural Communication Assimilation blending into the dominant culture Acculturating blending partially while still maintaining personal culture Separation actively avoiding blending in
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