Fundamentals of Speech FSU SPC1017 SPC1017 Exam 1 Study Guide Contents Communication Definition 3 Communication Model 3 Communication as a Transaction 4 Self and Communication 4 Myers Briggs Kiersey 5 Speech Topic selection and narrowing 5 General purpose Specific purpose and Central Idea 5 Research practices for speechwriting 6 Introduction Body Conclusion Transitions Reference List 6 Delivery Characteristics of good delivery 7 Delivery types 8 Visual aids 8 Informative speech specifics 8 Intercultural Communication 8 COMMUNICATION DEFINITION Communication Any process in which people through the use of symbols verbally and or nonverbally consciously or not consciously intentionally or unintentionally generate meanings information ideas feelings and perceptions within and across various contexts cultures channels and media Communication is a process It is always changing Key Words o Symbols o Process o Meaning o Social o Environment COMMUNICATION MODEL Elements of Communication o Senders receivers Those who simultaneously send and receive o Messages The ideas and feelings that a sender receiver wants to Meaning is jointly created between sender and receiver linear messages share interaction Ideas and feelings can only be communicated if they are represented by symbols Symbols Something that stands for something else o Verbal symbol A word that stands for a particular idea or thing o Nonverbal symbol Anything communicated without words e g facial expressions or hand gestures idea object reach the sender receivers o Abstract symbol A symbol that represents an o Concrete symbol A symbol that represents an o Channels The routes travelled by a message the means it uses to The senses Technology o Feedback The response of the receiver senders to each other accurately interpreted shared in the way they were intended Allows participants to see whether ideas and feelings have been o Noise Interference that keeps a message from being understood or External noise Physical Interference with the message that comes from the environment and keeps the message from being heard or understood Internal noise Psychological Interference with the message that occurs in the minds of sender receivers when their thoughts or feelings are focused on something other than the communication at hand that is caused by people s emotional reactions to words Semantic noise Language Interference with the message Types contexts of Communication o Setting Environment context where the communication occurs o Intrapersonal Language use and or thought that occurs within you the communicator o Interpersonal o Small Group Communication o Public Communication o Mass Communication Communicating one to one bases typically informal setting Occurs when small number of people meet to solve a problem Speech sender receiver speaking to an audience COMMUNICATION AS A TRANSACTION Three Principles of Transactional Communication o Participation is continuous and simultaneous Whether or not you are actually talking in a communication situation you are actively involved in sending and receiving messages o All communications have a past present and a future Cannot NOT communicate You respond to every situation from your own experiences past your own moods present and your own expectations future o All communicators play roles Roles Parts we play or ways we behave with others SELF AND COMMUNICATION Self concept How you think and feel about yourself o Self concept sets limits on your behavioral possibilities o Self concept can limit your risk taking o You will perceive the world in ways that are consistent with your self Perception How you looks at others and the world around you concept measure up Formation of Self Concept 3 Distinct Elements o Reflected appraisals Messages you get about yourself from others o Social comparisons Comparing yourself with others to see how you Women use this more o Self perception The way you see yourself Men use this more Upward psychological risk improvement Downward psychological safety status quo Many variables Physical social intellectual spiritual elements Depends on the phase of your development etc Gender Sex and Self Concept o Female self confidence comes primarily from connections and o Male self confidence comes primarily from achievement attachments which you view the world Perceptual filters Limitations that result from the narrow lens through o objective reality The actual territory or external reality everyone o subjective reality Your personal mental maps of the world experiences MYERS BRIGGS KIERSEY Well known personality inventory why you are the way you are You see the world based on your temperament Personality types o Introvert keeps to self vs Extravert outgoing o Judger decision makers list makers vs Perceiver Open to last o Feeler thought process based on feelings vs Thinker cerebral fair o Sensing follow procedures vs Intuitive okay with flexibility minute changes evidence based SPEECH TOPIC SELECTION AND NARROWING Finding a Topic o Personal inventory An assessment of your own resources What are you interested in What are you passionate about Would your interests make a good speech Narrowing the Topic o Don t be too broad consider Topic of interest to audience Topic understood by audience How long to cover the topic GENERAL PURPOSE SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CENTRAL IDEA Selecting a purpose o General purpose inform or persuade Inform Tell your audience about something e g how something works what something means or how to do something Persuade Convince your audience to do or believe something o Specific purpose A phrase indicating what you expect to achieve o Central idea Establishes the main thrust of the speech within your speech The main point of the speech Everything you put in the speech should relate back to this Analyzing the audience o Audience analysis Finding out what your audience members know knowledge about your subject what they might be interested in interests demographics and what their attitudes and beliefs are Attitudes Beliefs that cause people to respond in some way to Beliefs Statements of knowledge opinion and faith a particular object or situation convictions about what one thinks is right and wrong or true and false characteristics of a group of people including such things as age gender education occupation race nationality ethnic origin geographic location and group affiliation Demographic analysis Reveals data about the o Time time frame for the speech time of
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