SPC 1017 Fundamentals of Speech Final Exam Study Guide Chapters 3 4 5 6 16 the persuasive speech section Professional Communication and anything else covered in lectures Lecture Fri 10 10 Verbal Communication How words work o Denotative meaning o Connotative meaning feelings associations we have about a word o Semantic triangle thought symbol referent Referent thermos exists without our experiences Symbol word Thought thinking of or imagining the thing o Ladder of abstraction chair is a concrete word Illuminated a little higher Peace love and war are high level abstraction words Symbolic and connotative Put high level words in concrete terms Lecture Wed 10 15 Verbal Communication continued People determine meanings Language online credibility o Online footprint loss of context The Language Environment 4 things define context o People who s involved there Did anyone over hear it o Their purpose why were they there o Rules of communication by which they achieve that purpose o Actual talk words that were said Appropriate Language o Euphemisms individuals take benign words to describe something we don t want to talk about Ex he passed away Doublespeak when an institution engages in euphemistic language Exs Internal Revenue Service collateral damage Operation Iraqi Freedom o Racist language sexist language and ableist language are all inappropriate Language Specialization o Every career has this o Lingo be aware when others don t understand Language style Roles Group Membership o Gender and language Rapport talk women use words to establish connections set up social networks achieve intimacy Report talk men communicate to exchange information be center stage and establish status be 1 Powerful talk Our defense played well tonight Ex of less powerful talk That game was good Did you like it defer tag question Women are called names when they use powerful talk To use it one must get rid of vocal fillers um like Qualifiers disclaimers undermine credibility Well I m not really an expert but when asked a question Powerful talk requires the exclusion of little things in our language Lecture Fri 10 17 Verbal Communication cont and Persuasive Speaking Culture and Language o Dialect habitual language of a community Tied to culture British dialect has the highest status in the world Southern is considered the worst Working on your Verbal Communication o What do you want to say Birth of mass communication 1930s radio play World of Wars caused national panic when it was just a dramatization Choose appropriate words Be clear clarity Be vivid vividness Reading a lot helps Also paint a picture in your head to feel it o How do you want to say it o To whom are you talking Be careful not just face to face communication What metamessages mixed messages are you sending Subtext read between the lines Ethics ethical considerations for words we choose The meaning of words changes over time Persuasive Speaking 2 things make persuasion interesting Motivation the stimulation or inducement that causes you to act Influence the power of a person or a thing to affect others o There is a dotted line between intention and behavior Persuasion connects the dots Ethical persuasion ethics are a part of communication whenever a message potentially impacts a person so every time you open your mouth o Treat your audience with respect Be prepared for yourself and them Don t think of your audience as dumb dumb it down o Don t exaggerate or distort facts o Avoid lying or name calling o Avoid suppressing key information even if it negates your argument or point o If you have something to gain personally from your speech tell the audience what it is Lecture Wed 10 22 Persuasive Speaking continued Values Beliefs and Attitudes o Values ideas we have about what is good and what is bad and how things should be o Beliefs statements of knowledge opinion and faith o Attitudes predispositions to respond favorably or unfavorably toward a person subject or situation lead you one way or another Why Persuasion is Challenging o The sheer amount that occurs daily Competition with other messages You have to stand out hold the attention o It works slowly over time o What you are trying to change may be firmly entrenched o Laziness o A threat to freedom defensive attitudes Strategies of Persuasion o Determine your purpose o Ethos pathos logos To get audience members to believe a certain way reinforcing or challenging To get audience members to act To change or reinforce beliefs To continue doing what they are doing To avoid doing something To continue not doing something Socrates Plato and Aristotle were part of the peripatetic school of philosophy in Ancient Greece Aristotle wrote the first public speaking handbook He was the first to say audiences are different and came up with the structure of intro body conclusion His definition of rhetoric every available means of persuasion Every time meaning is created There are 3 available Logos logic deductive reasoning inductive reasoning detectives specific general causal reasoning NOT correlation it takes strong statistical models for causal reasoning reasoning by analogy Pathos emotion built upon Maslow s hierarchy of needs At the bottom are physiological needs These are basic needs like food water temperature and comfort and need to be met first and foremost Then come safety needs stability freedom from violence law Next is longing and love friendship giving and receiving love affection Last are self respect and self actualization realizing your full potential Lecture Fri 10 24 Persuasive Speaking cont Strategies of Persuasion cont o Ethos ethics credibility believability established from the first moment 4 things to do to maintain credibility Dynamism charisma bring energy into a situation be present and don t look for someone more important to talk to Treat everyone as if they are the most important person in the room to maintain ethos Trustworthiness knowing someone will follow through Expertise develop an area that is yours and be an expert in that area Established in 3 ways research reading lab taking classes getting a degree studying posing questions trying to find answers Commitment not giving up Experience go out and do Ethics good bad right wrong When you don t know ask Don t forget where you came from Structure your Material Effectively o Cause Effect o Problem Solution o Motivational Sequence from Monroe Get attention Create need Satisfy need Visualization Action A N S V A Lecture Wed
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