FINAL EXAM Chapter 5 1 The steps of the Integrated Listening Model ILM Includes all the physical mental and behavioral Listening Preparation Receiving Constructive meaning aspects that create a readiness to listen the cues signals and impulses received ideas or convey information separate 5th step Remembering Responding the process of taking in acquiring or accepting complicated unique process of making sense of Means using spoken or nonverbal messages to exchange Done throughout the listening process and not just 2 The four Styles of listening You are concerned with the other person s feelings People Listening style Action listening style Content listening style Time style listening know how much time they have to make a point You prefer precise and error free information You prefer complex and challenging information You prefer brief and hurried interaction and let others 3 The six kinds of listening Understanding what others are saying because being sensitive to both verbal and nonverbal Discriminative listening Comprehension listening Appreciative listening Critical listening changes the sounds and sights of communication you are aware of grasp and can make sense of the message saying Informative listening characters and experiences of another person means listening for pleasure Is the process of mentally identifying with the Empathic listening You make judgments about what the other person is Your primary concern is to understand the message 4 Gender differences in listening Women more likely to be people listeners than men Women are interested in relationships and networking and men are more interested in competitive communication When men and women talk women are more likely to be the listeners 5 Factors in and barriers to effective listening Laziness Opinionatedness Refuse to maintain a relaxing and agreeable Avoid listening if the subject is complex or difficult and or it takes too much time Closed mindedness environment and or relate to and benefit from speakers idea Disagree or argue outwardly or inwardly with speaker as well as becoming emotional or excited when speaker s view differ from yours Insincerity only the speaker s words rather than feelings and becoming preoccupied with something else when listening Inattentiveness Concentrating on the speaker s mannerisms or delivery rather than on the message and becoming distracted by noise from office equipment telephone other conversations etc Lack of interest with the speaker s subject and daydreaming Avoiding eye contact when listening and paying attention to Boredom 6 Define Anxiety Cognitive dissonance occurs when you feel conflict because you hold two Disturbance that occurs in your mind regarding some uncertain or more attitudes that are in opposition to each other event misgiving or worry reduction of any physical function to the lowest possible degree is the desire to have governing influence over a situation involves the suspension of the rational functions and the Control Passiveness 7 Differences in poor and good listeners Good listener Uses good eye contact Is attentive and alert to speaker s verbal nonverbal behavior Poor listener Interrupts speaker Bad eye contact Is distracted Not interested in speaker Gives little to no feedback Changes subject Judgmental Is close minded Talks too much Self preoccupied Gives unwanted advice Is to0 busy to listen Patient Doesn t interrupt Responsive using verbal nonverbal expressions Asks questions in nonthreatening tone Paraphrases restates what speaker says Provides constructive feedback Shows interest in the speaker as Is empathic a person Demonstrates a caring attitude and is willing to listen Doesn t criticize Is open minded 8 Percentage of Time Devoted to Various Communication Listening Speaking Reading Writing 45 30 16 9 Chapter 6 9 Factors affecting interpersonal attractiveness Physical Attraction Perceived Gain Similarities in personality and attitude Differences in personality and attitude Proximity or the close contact that occurs when people share an experience such as work school or play 10 The 7 motives for interpersonal relationships Pleasure Affection Inclusion Escape Relaxation Control Health 11 How people begin a conversation 12 Owned message an acknowledgment of subjectivity by a message sender through the use of First person singular terms I me my mine 13 The three types of self disclosure Cultural information Sociological Psychological tell us about a person s most generally shared cultural attributes such as language shared values beliefs and ideologies because it allows you to know an individual traits feelings attitudes and important personal data tells you something about others social groups and roles which is the most specific and intimate info about someone 14 The Johari window and how it describes self disclosure The Johari window categorizes how we share disclose information 15 Social penetration theory process of self disclosure This suggests that closeness occurs through a gradual 16 Essential elements of good relationship Verbal Skills Emotional Expressiveness Conversational Focus Nonverbal Analysis Conversational Encouragement Care and Appreciation Commitment Adaptation Chapter 7 17 Describe the stages of a relationship coming together and apart Fall Apart 1 Differentiating the interdependence of their courting stage is no longer so attractive begin focusing on how different 2 Circumscribing less and less information is exchanged 3 Stagnating time of inactivity no chance to grow communication becomes stale 4 Avoiding involves physical separation or not wanting to interact 5 Terminating partners finding a way to bring a relationship to an end 1 Come Together Initiating characterized by nervousness caution and a degree of hesitation 3 2 Experimenting people make a conscious effort to seek out common interests and experiences Intensifying the stage where people spend more time with each other because they are happy loving and warm Integrating the point at which their individual personalities are beginning to merge 5 Bonding were the 4 partners make some sort of commitment that announces their relationship to those around them 18 Describe the three relationship rewards and costs Extrinsic means rewards costs outside the relationship Intrinsic means rewards costs inside the relationship Instrumental basic exchange of goods and services works both ways Chapter 8 Conflict and Conflict Management 19 Wieder hatfield model of conflict resolution
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